Angels of Death (ATSKNF, Bolter Discipline, Shock Assault, Combat Doctrines). Anybody have the rules for Lias Issodon or Tyberos?Lias Issodon borders on OP to me. Passionate about something niche? Volumes 9 & 10. The majority of these were from the Badab War Forge World books and never had models. However, if you want to use the special character that the Raptors have available, you also have to use the Index: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes (from Forge World). Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look out, Sir rule, and add +1 to the hit roll. - Lias Issodon (Raptors) - Sneaky, stealthy character that influences initiative chances can ambush a unit and has a rather nasty custom Omen pattern boltgun. They gain cover at >12" range (so you’ll always have a 0+ save on Turn 1 and probably turn 2) and gain -1 to hit instead if they’re already in a building. 27 Responses to “Forge World Preview: Indexes” Cephalobeard June 5, 2017 8:16 am. One, multipart ( 4 pieces) 28mm scale miniature represent "Var" This is a high quality resin miniature, which comes unpainted and requires assembly. Ill try to work backwards from this list toward my goal of 1,500. I'm building Lias right now using the sergeant from this squad and a lot of bits from the sternguard box, and he is looking great so far. Under his command, the Raptors have fought and secured victory time and again, against forces far superior in numbers and resources and somehow have always emerged the victors. In one of its only known large actions, its 3rd and 6th companies participated in the Taros Campaign along with a bunch of Tallarn, Cadian, and Elysian regiments, to kick the Chapter Master: You can re-roll failed hit rolls for friendly RAPTORS units within 6" of Lias Issodon. Mar 8, 2019 - Explore David Dean's board "Raptors Chapter" on Pinterest. Frag/Krak Grenades - Its a grenade really depends on if you really NEED to use it but shooting would be a much better option. Lias Issodon is the current Chapter Master of the Sneaky Marines Raptors Space Marine Chapter, a superb strategist, and remains one of the finest marksmen within a Chapter of fine marksmen. Best Lias issodon model? Consider the Raven Guard rules that Raptors can also utilize. Reecius November 24, 2017 9:24 am. He effortlessly sets his own record higher just to troll the more advanced marksmen. What do you guys think? However, once you commit, there are precious few ways you can change anything, as both Drop Pods and transports got quite expensive. 1. share. Remember, you can charge both out of Infiltrate and out of Ambush. So, in your tournament reports you take advantage of Lias Issodon to give you resistance to other people’s alpha strike – can you survive enough without it purely by using scouts? Lias Issodon is the current Chapter Master of the Sneaky Marines Raptors Space Marine Chapter, a superb strategist, and remains one of the finest marksmen within a Chapter of fine marksmen. I prefer to play my Raptors with Lias Issodon but at NOVA they required you to have the actual Forge World model to use a Forge World unit (which is totally reasonable). Subject: Forge World Imperial Armour Index Books - Got 'em! However given that he now essentially has Hit & Run, you are an idiot if you use this. Lias Issodon: Sadly, compared to his previous version Lias got a LOT more expensive, although he does have some nice toys. Oddballs like the Castellum Stronghold, just don’t make sense for non-narrative games. Stealth Modified Armor: You may add 2 to saving throws made for Lias Issodon instead of 1 When he has the benefits of cover. Though he is hardly the most charismatic leader within the Raptors' long history, he remains a highly effective commander who is deeply respected by the Astartes who follow him. This update presents rules for a variety of Space Marine characters, most of which were originally included in Imperial Armour . You can unsubscribe at any time. MongooseMatt. He possesses an innate talent for ambush, infiltration and sabotage that borders on the supernatural, and cares little for glory or regard -- only the pursuit of victory matters to Issodon. Frag/Krak Grenades - Remember when we were playing grenades wrong for the LONGEST? Report Save. Warhammer 40,000. rulebook and . The HQ Land Raider and Rhino are limited to sales at Warhammer World only, so are not easily accessible to many. +2 in cover instead of +1, all infantry within aura range add one to move, advance, and charge distances, and he can deep strike … He possesses an innate talent for ambush, infiltration and sabotage that borders on the supernatural, and cares little for glory or regard -- only the pursuit of victory matters to … Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. At the end of any of your movement phases, Lias Issodon and any accompanying units can reveal themselves on the battlefield - set them up anywhere one that battlefield that is more than 9" away from enemy models. The Forge World Team. Volumes 9 & 10. These rules are intended for use with the . Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Reply # Glad it helped! Lias doesn’t have a model though so that makes it tough to do, haha. Besides being super cool, they are also really good. These rules are intended for use with the . Codex: Space Marines, as well as His personal retinue should always include at least one devastator squad armed with Multi-meltas, since his Infiltration allows them to get within the 12" melta range on a whim, as well as gain a much wanted reroll from Lias. While most Raptor players already did just use Raven Guard rules added flavor was always a nice thing to have. Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Ill try to work backwards from this list toward my goal of 1,500. When executing one of Issodon's plans they know that their Chapter Master's strategies are always well-conceived and cunningly wrought, designed to inflict the maximum damage while minimizing the casualties of his warriors. The Raptors lethally entangle their enemies in the shadows and feints they have woven, slowly bleeding their enemies to death from a thousand cuts or setting them up for a single, devastating coup de grace. His name also appears to be taken from a term for a subage of the Jurassic Period that is mostly only used in Great Britain, which make sense for a Chapter Master of the "Raptors", as well as a genus of bandicoot, which does...not. During the infamous conflict known as the Badab War, Issodon led his Chapter against forces far superior in numbers and resources, and resorted to the use of stealth and guerrilla tactics that wreaked havoc with the Secessionist forces throughout this campaign. Enter your email to get the very latest - news, promotions, hobby tips and more from Games Workshop. Lias is the Chapter Master of the Raptors, who are a descendant of the the Raven Guard chapter. Units do not gain the saving throw bonus for being in cover against attacks from this weapon. An extremely taciturn and private individual, Issondon communicates little even with his own Battle-Brothers unless needed, which, coupled with his expressionless countenance and dark eyes, have earned him the nickname "The Grim" within his Chapter. 40K battle report time! Against units that are under-strength, or not a significant melee threat, Lias should ALWAYS charge if he can. Grim Hunter: After falling back, Lias Issodon may still shoot or advance in the same turn, but may not charge. Raptors are a … a term for a subage of the Jurassic Period, Which means I want to start bringing Lias Issodon. Codex: Space Marines, as well as I may use the helmet with the lens and aerial from the Repulsor kit and different shoulder pads but general principle? Reecius June 5, 2017 9:43 am. And no stupid questions my friend, we all have to start somewhere. Units do not gain the saving throw bonus for being in cover against attacks from this weapon. Warhammer 40,000. rulebook and . I also had been brainstorming based on the rumors and leaks from Games Workshop ahead of time so as most who paid attention I had a general feel for what was coming. But the biggest cull was the 18 characters. Master Of Ambush: During Deployment, you can set up Lias Issodon and up to three friendly RAPTORS INFANTRY units (not including TERMINATORS, CENTURIONS, or PRIMARIS units) in the shadows instead of placing them on the battlefield. Therefore it may sometimes be worthwhile to charge anyway. Lias Issodon, in 8E, has returned with a keen eye and a fresh rule set that cleans up all the mess he once created. Best Lias issodon model? When executing one of Issodon's plans they know that their Chapter Master's strategies are always well-conceived and cunningly wrought, designed to inflict the maximum damage while minimising the casualties of his warriors. Alternatively, find out what’s trending across all of Reddit on r/popular. Why the switch to Ultramarines? Feet to eyeline dimension: 31mm 1) Body 2) Left hand panzer fist 3) right hand with gun 4) base 32mm base Ship to: Worldwide - 6,99 EUR (Regardless of the amount of products) tl;dr: I've done my research, but I haven't found there to be enough source-material to make myself happy with my current mental image of Raptors Chapter Master Lias Issodon from the Forge World Badab War material. Plus the rest of the squad make great Raptors, as either elites or just normal tacticals. Over the years, many Warhammer 40,000 fans have amassed huge collections of Forge World miniatures for use in games of Warhammer 40,000. BTW the 4chan threads don't seem to have the book link anymore. This page was last edited on 29 January 2021, at 18:03. SPACE MARINE CHARACTERS UPDATE. Today, in continuation from my Forge World Chapter Tactics article, I would like to discuss the recently updated Badab War characters. Warlord Traits mostly come down to your army composition/Opponent however for a fluffy Phobos Raptors list both Storm of Fire and Target Priority work rather well. Lias Issodon is equipped with: bolt pistol; Malice; Raptorclaw; frag grenades; krak grenades. Raptorclaw - S:U, AP:-3, D:2 replacement for Lias' old Power sword, basically the same thing it used to be but master crafted. During the infamous conflict known as the Badab War, Issodon led his Chapter against forces far superior in numbers and resources, and resorted to the use of stealth and guerrilla tactics that wreaked havoc with the Secessionist forces throughout this campaign. Under his command, the Raptors have fought and secured victory time and again, against forces far superior in numbers and resources and somehow have always emerged the victors. Today, some of those classic models are no longer available, and their rules no longer feature in current publications. Things have value determined by the creator or merchant. Lias Issodon is in many ways the living embodiment of the Raptor Chapter's favoured arts of war. Lias Issodon: Sadly, compared to his previous version Lias got a LOT more expensive, although he does have some nice toys. Don’t panic if you’ve just brought a fancy new kit from Forge World – the list is pretty short and the relevant ones are basically: Chaplain Dreadnoughts; Lias Issodon Reply # I’m a big Lias fan, myself =) Cephalobeard June 5, 2017 11:01 am. What do you guys think? He possesses an innate talent for ambush, infiltration and sabotage that borders on the supernatural, and cares little for glory or regard -- only the pursuit of victory … Use him to infiltrate himself and three units into danger-close range, which works especially well when paired with devastators, as well as smaller army sizes(that can finish deploying first, and thus get a major Alpha-strike advantage). Warhammer World Investor Relations Jobs Golden Demon Licensed Products Warhammer Alliance Press Room Warhammer Merchandise Subscribe to our newsletter. This essentially means that he packs a 0+ save in Cover, which will negate the first 2 points of AP against him. Issodon is a consummate strategist as well as being one of the finest marksmen within the Chapter. 1500pt Raptors List - posted in Codex: Space Marines Army Lists: Ok, so I overhauled my whole list and ended up at 1,800 points instead of 1,500. This noted warrior first came to the wider Imperium's attention during the dark days of the Fourth Quadrant Rebellion. After the update was released we realised that the Warlord Trait for Lias Issodon was of no use so provisionally, until a further update has been compiled, we suggest you replace the stated Trait with Master of Ambush from the Strategic Traits list. BS6 is a cute trick, as is a 2+ save; he’s also got I6 on his side for whatever reason, so despite having a weaker WS value he still beats a lot of generic guys in combat. "Make your peace with the Emperor, men - we drop in two minutes." The HQ Land Raider and Rhino are limited to sales at Warhammer World only, so are not easily accessible to many. Issodon is a consummate strategist as well as being one of the finest marksmen within the Chapter. The Raptors lethally entangle their enemies in the shadows and feints they have woven, slowly bleeding their enemies to death from a thousand cuts or setting them up for a single, devastating coup de grace. It is poor form to get Lias into melee, but in a pinch you have a useful melee weapon and can deal 8 damage in 4 attacks if you get lucky. .Only a fool believes there is such a thing as price gouging. So, to enable you to unleash your models on the tabletop, Alternately lascannons will do quite nicely as well, use the infiltration to ensure you have a clear line of sight and then light up the enemy's tanks and monsters from a safe distance. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. After the update was released we realised that the Warlord Trait for An extremely taciturn and private individual, Issodon communicates little even with his own Battle-Brothers unless needed, which, coupled with his expressionless countenance and dark eyes, have earned him the nickname "The Grim" within his Chapter. He is still the Master of the Raptors, and still the best crack-shot they have. He possesses an innate talent for ambush, infiltration and sabotage that borders on the supernatural, and cares little for glory or regard -- only the pursuit of victory matters to Issodon. See more ideas about Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000. Lias Issodon is the current Chapter Master of the Raptors Space Marine Chapter. level 1. Outsiders observing this reserved commander would go so far as to call Issodon's silent, watchful presence sinister. Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news, fun stories, pics, memes, and videos just for you. Lias doesn’t have a model though so that makes it tough to do, haha. This update presents rules for a variety of Space Marine characters, most of which were originally included in Imperial Armour . Today, in continuation from my Forge World Chapter Tactics article, I would like to discuss the recently updated Badab War characters. Read about him a lot on these forums, and he sounds like a total beast. • Forge World Space Marine Chapter Tactics for Sixth Edition Warhammer 40,000 • Forge World Update for the Ork Dread Mob Army List ... Lias Issodon SM HQ Badab War Characters Update for Sixth Edition Warhammer 40,000 10:00-Again, more firing rites: Lias Issodon himself has woken up. Forge World Badab War Characters Impressions - Part One Hey guys, I am Learn2Eel and I am one happy (war)gamer! I also had been brainstorming based on the rumors and leaks from Games Workshop ahead of time so as most who paid attention I had a general feel for what was coming. And true, this means that you will have less total firepower available on the table on the 1st turn, but the sheer mindfuck of trying to position units before the game to neuter infiltration only to then worry about Issodon and whomever he can bring pretty much anywhere on the table at will is priceless. History. A consummate strategist as well as the best shot in the Chapter, he possesses a talent for ambush, infiltration, and sabotage. 3 years ago. Its just dry fit at the the moment with Blu Tack. See more ideas about raptors, space marine, warhammer. Infiltrate, Isolate, Destroy: You can add +1" to all moves, including Advance, Charge and Fall back moves made by friendly RAPTORS INFANTRY units within 6" of Lias Issodon during the Movement phase and Charge phase. It shouldn't be understated that Lias Issodon isn't a dedicated melee character, but he can serve as one in a pinch. They specialize in stealth, ambush and guerrilla tactics. Lias Issodon works best as a Tactical Support character, as well as army-buffer. Oh well. Passionate about something niche? Chapter Badge of the Raptors. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, the target does not receive the benefit … Some of the more advanced marksmen forgo this meal to get more time at attempting Lias Issodon's personal record. For their Chapter Tactics they get Scouts and Stealth on turn one (excepting bulky+ units). Though he is hardly the most charismatic leader within the Raptors' long history, he remains a highly effective commander who is deeply respected by the Astartes who follow him. Warhammer World Investor Relations Jobs Golden Demon Licensed Products Warhammer Alliance Press Room Warhammer Merchandise Subscribe to our newsletter. However his melee skills are fairly decent, and he has a built-in "Get outa jail free" card in the form of Grim Hunter. Bolt Pistol - It exists solely so that he can shoot into melee. I'd love to build up a model and start running him with my soon-to-be Raptors. I settled on list using Ravenguard Chapter Tactics but really pivoting around the phenomenally powerful Forge World character Lias Issodon. Why the switch to Ultramarines? Page 4 of 4 - New Issodon Rules - Sneaky Peaky - posted in + RAVEN GUARD +: Super disappointed at this trend of leaving Primaris out of everything. Some out of production Forge World models, most notably the Chaplain Dreadnought, have no cost here so are presumably being shuffled off to the great Legends PDF in the sky. I'm wondering what Lias Issodon does now. For now, don't assume that getting near melee combat is entirely wrong. Just remember your lack of a Invulnerable save. Lias Issodon. Lias Issodon conversion - posted in + RAVEN GUARD +: Hi guys, what do you think of this for a Lias Issodon conversion? The most popular suggestion right now if you still wanna use Issodon is to run a Primaris Phobos Chapter Master with the ex tenebris relic so you still retain a deadly ranged HQ. As has been the case before, success on the top tables was based around the use of obscure Forgeworld units. Forge World Badab War Characters Impressions - Part One Hey guys, I am Learn2Eel and I am one happy (war)gamer! - Malakim Phoros (Lamenters) - Can only be used in combination with Codex: Blood Angels and is a rather skilled fighter that will get enraged once wounded. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Nov 7, 2020 - Explore Paul's board "40K - Kill Teams" on Pinterest. It'll give you the double-whammy of taking said unit out of action for a turn, and giving Lias the best cover save in the entire game: Locked in Melee, which is indeed 100% better than even his 0+ cover save. Lias Issodon is in many ways the living embodiment of the Raptor Chapter's favoured arts of war. 1500pt Raptors List - posted in Codex: Space Marines Army Lists: Ok, so I overhauled my whole list and ended up at 1,800 points instead of 1,500. The Forge World Team. level 1. A consummate strategist as well as one of the best shots in the Chapter, he possesses a talent for ambush, infiltration, and sabotage. As has been the case before, success on the top tables was based around the use of obscure Forgeworld units. His new rules of course still leave him as the deadliest shooting character in the entire game, second only to Tau crisis commanders(even then, crisis commanders aren't packing a 0+ save, or his infiltrate fuckery). I prefer to play my Raptors with Lias Issodon but at NOVA they required you to have the actual Forge World model to use a Forge World unit (which is totally reasonable). Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. SPACE MARINE CHARACTERS UPDATE. 12:00-Midday meal: A light meal is prepared by the chapter serfs. Sadly, Lias Issodon (including many other Forge World related models/characters ) has been removed with the coming of 9th Edition. Your army can only include one LIAS ISSODON model. But him being Forge World, plus the lousy stigma involved with it amongst my player group, I am a little hesitant on it. I'm building Lias right now using the sergeant from this squad and a lot of bits from the sternguard box, and he is looking great so far. This is already a good setup for a Hammer and Anvil move, where you distract and pin select enemy units in place with infiltrators (who can also charge, mind you) while your firebase, hidden in ruins and enjoying enhanced protection, picks the enemy apart. Enter your email to get the very latest - news, promotions, hobby tips and more from Games Workshop. 1. share. Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests. Reply # Please, Forgeworld Lords, let my beloved Lias Issodon be fun and interesting still. Artificer Armor; Stealth Modified - 2+ save, for your reasonable ass, with a +2, instead of +1, added to your save throw while in cover. You can unsubscribe at any time. Likewise, the “Raven Guard” list that made the top 4 was also built around a Forge World units, the Raptor’s Chapter Master Lias Issodon. The majority of these were from the Badab War Forge World books and never had models. I settled on list using Ravenguard Chapter Tactics but really pivoting around the phenomenally powerful Forge World character Lias Issodon. BS6 is a cute trick, as is a 2+ save; he’s also got I6 on his side for whatever reason, so despite having a weaker WS value he still beats a lot of generic guys in combat. Likewise, the “Raven Guard” list that made the top 4 was also built around a Forge World units, the Raptor’s Chapter Master Lias Issodon. Simply dump as many points as possible into your primary-three units, and then infiltrate-reveal once your turn rolls around. You can play any space marine chapter with just the Codex: Space Marines. Combat Knife - S:U, AP: 0 , D: 2 - Sadly crossing the Rubicon means no fancy ass power sword for this old bird while you originally never wanted to be in melee with him anyway it really sucks to lose out on a rather nice melee option. Report Save. Outsiders observing this reserved commander would go so far as to call Issodon's silent, watchful presence sinister. Oddballs like the Castellum Stronghold, just don’t make sense for non-narrative games. 3 years ago. They can also Infiltrate anything before the game for CP. Because of his complete lack of an invuln save, he should never be used to attack units that can AP him out, or hit him with high-damage weapons like power fists. Lias Issodon is the current Chapter Master of the Raptors Space Marine Chapter. Mark X Phobos Power Armor - 3+ save, this was changed due to 9ths new cover rules while it is not the amazing 2+ of the former in 8th the ideal way to playing with Priamris Issodon is to keep him in the backfield (Probably with some Eliminators, Dreadnoughts, or Heavy Intercessors) you can really exploit both the chapter master rerolls and a good number of Raven Guard/Phobos Traits. You're better off disengaging from melee in order to fire Malice again. This noted warrior first came to the wider Imperium's attention during the dark days of the Fourth Quadrant Rebellion. Lias is uniquely capable of throwing a grenade-shaped wrench into your enemy's plans on how to deal with you by appearing out of nowhere on the 2nd or 3rd turn with a handful of squads and punishing any positioning mistakes with his aura buffs to shooting and mobility. Bolt Pistol - Kinda useless all together you never want to be in melee and with the various Raven Guard rules you can effectively juke your way out of it if you play the rules right. Plus the rest of the squad make great Raptors, as either elites or just normal tacticals. But the biggest cull was the 18 characters. Alternatively, find out what’s trending across all of Reddit on r/popular. , most of which were originally included in Imperial Armour Space Marine Chapter just! For non-narrative games like the Castellum Stronghold, just don ’ t have a though. Of those classic models are lias issodon forge world longer feature in current publications really NEED to it... I settled on list using Ravenguard Chapter Tactics but really pivoting around the of! When we were playing grenades wrong for the LONGEST in cover against attacks from this list toward my of! Death ( ATSKNF, Bolter Discipline, Shock Assault, combat Doctrines ) 's! 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