A practitioner of both the Makashi and Ataru forms, Ti was described as being incredibly gracefully, a trait that was amplified by her exotic pigmentation and coloring. Shaak Ti had dark grey/blue eyes and red skin that included white markings and gray stripes. [5] One of Ti's greatest gifts was her ability to commune with nature more deeply then most Jedi of the era. It was Ti who had helped to settle a situation regarding the leadership of Clone Cadet squad "Bravo", which resulted in the squad's unofficial leader, CT-3827 "Tal", who would become a skilled ARC trooper and veteran of the war, gaining a high respect for her. Its time to change that. Shaak Ti was a female Togruta Jedi Master and General as well as a member of the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars. It happens on one of Shaak’s trips back to the Temple. After graduating from the academy, Ti was selected as a Padawan by a Jedi Master and traveled the galaxy to complete her training. Though not described first-hand, Vader asks the Gate Master Jurokk where Shaak Ti is. Joining the Jedi High Council in the years before the First War, she took up the ranks of General within the Alliance Joint Military and was tasked with the oversight of clone trooper training on the ocean world Kamino. For nearly two decades Ti trained the Felucians and tempered their dark side nature. Five months into the war, the Galactic Republic had received information that a Separatist stronghold would be lying dormant for a few weeks, opening a window of opportunity for a decisive strike to cripple the fortress of a potentially secessionist planet. Shaak Ti being killed by Vader Shaak Ti was implaced with security by Master Mace Windu, during Order 66 she was killed in her own quarters by Darth Vader. Opening fire on the Jedi, the Kaleesh General cut down the clone escort and bypassed the unconscious Jedi. [6] Easily fighting in crowds, Ti was aided in clearly perceiving her surroundings by the hollow spaces in her cranial horns, or montrals. Élete. Like most Jedi, she was brought to and raised by the Jedi Order as an infant. She fled to Felucia after Palpatine turned on the Jedi and issued Order 66.She was killed by Galen Marek. Leading three separate groups up to the fortress in a massive assault, each team was met with heavy resistance, suffering substantial casualties including Master Ray. side. Durante las Guerras Clon, el maestro Yoda viene junto a su padawans a Coruscant para una reunión importante… Setting out to find Tok, Ti refused to be goaded into a confrontation with Lyshaa; instead, the Jedi convinced the Zeltron to use her innate ability to manipulate pheromones in order to distract Shogar Tok long enough for Ti to arrest him. Shaak Ti was among the 214 Jedi who went to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Padme Armidala from Count Dooku on Geonosis. Shaak Ti had two different death scenes at various stages of Revenge of the Sith's development, but they were both deleted and confirmed by Star Wars Insider 87 that neither scene was canonical, and that she was still alive at the end of Revenge of the Sith as Shaak Ti is later seen alive in hologram form during a Jedi Council meeting. A natural fighter, Ti preferred to focus her energies into the studies of a Jedi Consular, focusing in the fields of diplomacy and healing. She worked with two Bounty Hunters, in deciding the fate of a group of Clone Cadets who could not work well together because of their tendency to argue. Shaak Ti was originally slated to be the star of a novel called Escape from Dagu which was completed but never released. Shaak ti. Ti was later tasked with defending Palpatine during General Grievou… Shaak Ti was a Jedi Council Member stationed on Kamino durring the Clone Wars. Believing that he intended to help Windu defeat the Sith, Ti let him pass before retiring to her quarters. Battle of GeonosisEdit, When the High Council was notified that Obi-Wan Kenobi had been captured and sentenced to death on the desert world Geonosis, Master of the Order Mace Windu rallied all Jedi present at the Temple and rushed to Kenobi's aid. Ti was known to lead Republic forces against the Separatist horde on many fronts, including during the battles of Centares and Ando. This was later reinforced by her appearance in the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.[1]. Taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Ti entered into the academy there and spent the next decade studying the ways of the Force and the Jedi Code. Training Sun to the rank of Knight, Ti suffered the loss of the girl when she was killed by the Zeltron criminal Lyshaa. Stationed there during the initiation of Operation: Knightfall, Ti escaped with her life when the Temple and the Republic fell into the hands of the Sith Lords. 0. Fleeing Coruscant, Shaak Ti wandered the galaxy in search of survivors of Order 66. As a Master, Ti went on to complete many assignments, gaining great respect from her peers. It happens on one of Shaak’s trips back to the Temple. Taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Ti spent her first decade studying the ways of the Force and the Jedi Code. Follow 2258. You need a lightsaber more than I do, seeing as I will no longer be capable of wielding one myself. This scene was deleted from the film, though she is still described as in meditation during the Jedi Temple assault according to the novelization. El especial sería seguido por la serie Las Crónicas de Yoda. Largely thanks to her montrals, she was able to survive the battle even though her Ataru and Makashi fighting styles were usually weak against blasters. Loosing at least one LAAT/i gunships, Ti was forced to withdraw, unable to search for survivors. Meanwhile, Senator Bail Organa sought out Ti for aide in rescuing his daughter, Leia Organa. Shaak Ti was a Togruta Jedi Master during the Clone Wars.. Background. Reflective and contemplative, Ti was deeply troubled throughout the Clone Wars, as she was unable to properly reflect on the Order's place in the conflict. With the bridge and the droids destroyed, Ti used the Force to plug the hole and keep the ocean at bay, waiting out the rest of the battle until help could rescue her and her comrades. Riding on the shoulders of an elder rancor, Ti made her way to the Ancient Abyss, a place of sacrifice for the Jungle Felucians for many millennia. With a subtle sense of humor, Master Ti sometimes seemed cold and unfeeling; something that was not helped by her naturally pointed teeth which, when bared, appeared as a sinister snarl. Battle of HyporiEdit, When Master Daakman Barrek reported intelligence he had gathered on Hypori to the High Council, a task force was dispatched to take the large droid factory Barrek had discovered offline. Shaak Ti was assigned to protect the Jedi Temple in the final days of the war as the threat of the hidden Dark Lord of the Sith became clear. Imprisonment on MetalornEdit, In 19 BBY, Shaak Ti was captured early on by the Confederacy of Independent Systems and transported to a maximum security prison facility in Metalorn's Unreal City. Clone Wars Fannon Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Not long after Master Ti was notified of a potential Separatist attack on the cloning facilities. [8] During her early career Ti took her first student, choosing to train him on her birth planet, Shili. Considering this is TFU Shaak Ti, Team 1 do have a chance of winning. Shaak Ti is a Jedi Knight that seeks peace and she is rather gentle in the way she goes about doing things, unless of course the circumstance calls for more drastic measures. With Lyshaa and Tok distracted, Master Ti sprung up and slew Tok after a brief but fierce firefight. [16], It wasn't long before the Separatists planned another strike at Kamino, this time led by General Grievous and Commander Asajj Ventress, two of the highest ranking members in the Separatist Droid Army. Shaak Ti was a Force-sensitive Togruta female and prominent member of the Jedi Order during the twilight years of the Galactic Republic. [25] [4], Shaak Ti kills Shogar Tok. Shaak Ti was a Tortugan female from the planet of Shili, due to her high midiclorian count she as chosen and sent off to the Jedi Order, serving as the second padawan of Master Mace Windu, Shaak Ti soon discovered her own unique gift of being able to influence not just animals but plants as well. Powers and abilitiesEdit, Shaak Ti's lightsaber. Despite a few more smaller attempts, Shaak Ti's strategy proved successful in preventing another full-scale assault on the planet throughout the rest of the war. As Starkiller entered the Ancient Abyss, Ti welcomed the boy as the sarlacc that lived in the heart of the Abyss grabbed Shaak Ti's Rancor mount and drew it into its maw. Shaak Ti was one of the few Jedi to survive the onslaught inside the arena, and then joined the larger battle between the Grand Army of the Republic and the Separatists. Undergoing a traditional Togrutan right of passage, Ti tracked and killed a wild Akul beast and crafted an elegant headdress from its teeth. While he was on the ground Ti ran along the tentacle intent to kill. 2. Grievous was not destroyed however, commandeering a Republic gunship to chase down the train. Four months later, Master Ti was accompanying a large group of clones when they were captured and imprisoned on the swamp world, Dagu. Anakin asked. However on this mission shaak ti and her master will join them. A klónháborúk során megölték. Clone WarsEdit Yaddle helyére került a Jedi Tanácsba. Yup, I caught that after I checked Wookipedia. With Tok dead and the fortress disabled and vulnerable, Shaak Ti rendezvous with her comrades and was shuttled back to the Halls of Healing on Coruscant. Homeworld, 3 BBY (32), Felucia[2] Shaak Ti had two different death scenes at various stages of Revenge of the Sith's development, but they were both deleted and confirmed by Star Wars Insider 87 that neither scene was canonical, and that she was still alive at the end of Revenge of the Sith as Shaak Ti is later seen alive in hologram form during a Jedi Council meeting. After several such attacks, Ti is killed. Physical description She’s recalled for a Council meeting. Shaak Ti was born in 49 Years BBY. As the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic, led by Darth Vader, descended on the Temple, Ti rallied her fellow Jedi in an attempt to repulse the Sith and his minions. [22] A deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith shows Shaak Ti being killed by … This was George Lucas' original idea, and appeared in storyboards and early drafts of the screenplay. The small band of outlaws consisted of renegade Senate Guard Sagoro Autem, the Wookiee Ryyk, rogue Jedi Quinlan Vos, and Lyshaa, the Zeltron responsible for Padawan Fe Sun's death. Kolar falsely informed the Count that Ti had in fact perished in the fighting; however the Sith Lord did not believe these claims and ordered Tok to find the Togruta's body. When Shaak Ti was appointed to the Jedi High Council to replace Yaddle, she also joined the Council of Insight. She was trained in the ways of the Force by the Neti Jedi Master T'ra Saa, and later in lightsaber combat by Mace Windu. While the High Council permitted this method, both of Ti's Padawan suffered from their lack of experience, dying not long after they were knighted. As one of the most famous characters of the Prequel Era and The Clone Wars, Shaak Ti is a legendary Jedi Master integral to the timeline of both Canon and Legend Star Wars content. According to Luke Skywalker, Ti was likely given the assignment to oversee the training of clones because she excelled as both a teacher and a combatant. In the depths of the prison, Ti began a revolt against the Separatists, aided by clones and the enslaved natives, the Rybet. [18], Shaak Ti, wounded after her duel with Grievous. [2], With Shaak Ti dead, the environment of Felucia slipped swiftly into darkness. Light Side. She fled to Felucia after Palpatine turned on the Jedi and issued Order 66.She was killed by Galen Marek. The novel, written by William C. Dietz, was scraped in favor of Yoda: Dark Rendezvous, due to Yoda's greater public appeal. Defeating the warriors one-by-one, Ti lured the boy deeper into the Abyss. [24] Fe Sun was also trained by Shaak Ti on Shili instead of following a course of the time-honored acceptance of missions from the Jedi Council, and Sun was also raised to knight. [4], Shaak Ti evades blaster fire on Brentaal IV. "Shaak Ti was unique. Shaak-Ti, o Shaak Ti, es un personaje ficticio del universo de la Guerra de las Galaxias. Bounty hunter Bric deemed them a failure; hunter El-Les wanted to be sympathetic. Another version, which was scripted, and shown in LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, moved Shaak Ti's death to the Jedi Temple. Shaak Ti was a Togruta Jedi Master during the Clone Wars.. Background. [6], Shaak Ti in Makashi's opening stance. [14] As he lectured the Jedi and his advisers on his symbolic importance to the Republic and his ensured safety because of his position, General Grievous and several MagnaGuards infiltrated the suite and attempted to capture the Republic's leader.[23]. Amongst the vast, dry scrublands Ti taught her student the ways of the Jedi, eventually raising him to Knighthood. ", Shaak Ti given special recognition by Chancellor Palpatine. One the two took their seats Shaak-ti started to explain. Shaak Ti was a female Togrutan Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars.She defended Kamino from Separatist invasion and protected Chancellor Palpatine from a Separatist kidnapping attempt. ―Obi-Wan Kenobi[src] Shaak Tiwas afemaleTogrutaJedi Master, hailing from the planetShili, serving theGalactic Republicas a member of theJedi Orderin the final decades of theRepublic Classic era. Shaak Ti, like most Jedi of the era, was discovered on her homeworld Shili as an infant when doctors identified her as Force-sensitive. Concept, Shaak Ti taking a Padawan and becoming like a mother figure to them, Jedi mom as well as clone mom. While using her telekinetic abilities to distract Grievous, Ti was caught off guard by revealing his second pair of limbs, sending the Togruta Jedi hurtling into a pile of debris. Shaak Ti was a notable exception to her communal species, preferring to operate alone whenever possible, despite the wishes and assistance of her fellow Jedi. Becoming a lifetime Jedi Council Member (and replacing the late Yaddle), Shaak Ti became a Council Member at 23 years of age. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Blasting Ti in the chest, the pair left her for dead and continued to make their way for the bed. After graduating from the academy, Ti was selected as a Padawan by a Jedi Master and traveled the galaxy to complete her training. Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, offered an ultimatum to Windu and the Jedi: join him, or die. When Jedi Kenobi suggested that his Padawan be promoted, Master Ti joined Masters Oppo Rancisis and Even Piell in their hesitancy, proposing that Skywalker face the Trial of the Spirit before being knighted. When Starkiller was sent to kill the Jedi droid maker, the puppet was defeated after a brief encounter with the Sith assassin. Just as most of her fellow Jedi Masters and Knights, Shaak Ti fought the Separatists and their droid army during the Clone Wars, including taking part in the Battle of Geonosis in Star Wars: Episode II - … Shaak Ti entered the arena alongside her close friend Luminara Unduli and they remained close together for the remainder of the battle. After passing her Trials of Knighthood Ti was raised to the rank of Jedi Knight by the Jedi High Council. When SBI agents traced information to the abandoned industrial sector known as The Works on Coruscant, Ti accompanied a group of ARC troopers and Master Mace Windu to the abandoned LiMerge Power building and separated into Teams Aurek and Bacta to search the network of tunnels covering the planet's surface. Obi wan's Padawan Crush. A communal species, Ti was highly independent and preferred to operate alone. Maris Brood was not able to help keep the world stable as she was seduced by anger and fell into a crazed mania, losing herself in the jungle. She's even taught me a few tricks." Shaak Ti was a female Togrutan Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars.She defended Kamino from Separatist invasion and protected Chancellor Palpatine from a Separatist kidnapping attempt. Shaak Ti felt this to be a devastating failure on her part, but hesitantly took a second student--Initiate Fe Sun--as her padawan. Her skill with a lightsaber was unmatched by many in the Jedi Order and gave her the reputation of being one of the best swordswomen of that time. WARNING LEMON. [21] My name is Master Shaak-Ti. Chased by dozens of battle droids, Ti and the trooper were joined by Jedi Kenobi and Skywalker, both following along as the team crossed the narrow transparisteel connector-bridge that attached to the underwater lab. The facility's lone prisoner, it was guarded by soldiers of the Separatist Droid Army and overseen by Techno Union Foreman Wat Tambor. During a mission to Shili she had a brief afafir with Knight Plo Koon and a child was born. Sha'a Gi was a Human male from the planet Ord Biniir. Indeed at least one trooper survived the crash, Clone Trooper-1707, a trooper who would survive in the forests of the world through the Galactic Civil War. Shaak Ti’s death accrued in 3 BBY, when she was killed by Darth Vader’s Padawan, Starkiller. [20], Master Ti received special honors for her efforts in the war from the Supreme Chancellor. Shaak Ti initially failed the group, but after giving them some motivational advice, the four clones passed their final test and were deployed. Slowing her metabolism so she could quickly heal herself, Ti sensed the other two teams destroy both the weapons and shielding equipment in the levels below her. Her face was flushed a deep red now and she was breathing hard, breasts heaving. Stumbling upon the orphaned Padawan Maris Brood, Ti sensed that the Zabrak woman was dangerously close to succumbing to the dark side and encouraged her to join Ti in exile so that together they could heal and carry on the Jedi traditions in solitude. She is voiced by Susan Eisenberg in the video game. 1 month ago. Biographical information Fleeing the room with the Chancellor while clone troops and senate guards stalled Grievous, the Jedi descended through the Tower, reaching the lower level mag-train station where they joined up with Masters Windu and Kit Fisto. Mass, Chronological and political information [13] Two months into the war, Master Ti accompanied Grand Master Yoda in an assault on a distant world. Reinforced by Master Oppo Rancisis' battle group and several Jedi Knights, Ti joined Prime Minister Su in the Tipoca City command center to coordinate the defense of the facilities. Ti was regarded as wise and patient, and a devoted believer in the ways of the Jedi. Thus, she was respected by many in the Order, which led her to gaining a seat on the Jedi Council. Despite her great skill as a fighter she was unable to defeat him along with the entire 501st Legion but she managed to disorientate Vader and escaped. A young Jedi Master, she accomplished many things that Jedi twice or even triple her age could not. Once more traveling to Shili and training her student in a slightly unorthodox manner, Ti did not believe in the traditional application of skills through the acceptance of missions from one of the Jedi Councils. The exiled Jedi Master Shaak Ti joins forces with her Padawan to take on Count Dooku. Yup, I caught that after I checked Wookipedia. As the assassin approached on foot, Ti sent Brood into the wilderness to hide, wary of the influence of the dark side on the girl. When it was planned for her to die aboard the Invisible Hand, her seat on the Council was going to be given to Tsui Choi, an Expanded Universe Jedi. Shaak Ti occupied the next few days with study and research at the Temple, spending many hours in the Temple Archives. Shaak Ti in combat against Galen Marek, 3 BBY. Locating Ti's cell, Organa managed to pass along her lightsaber so that she could free herself. Shaak Ti became one of the nine Jedi Masters to lead the striker team which consisted of over two hundred Jedi, Ti and her comrades landed on the dusty plains outside the Petranaki arena and rushed on foot to storm the structure. During his training, Gi was less than proficient in the martial skills of the Order but excelled in computer system operation. Aayla was born in 48 BBY and died in 19 BBY so she was 29 at the time of her death. Safely on board with the Chancellor, Windu and Fisto were able to destroy the MagnaGuards and dislodge Grievous from the train. ― Shaak Ti. Shaak Ti was a female Togruta Jedi Master hailing from the planet Shili. Fighting through the hundreds of Techno Union battle droids, the Jedi who did not fall were herded into a tight circle at the center of the arena. Secura was easily batted aside during the fighting, with Ti and Mundi holding their own the longest. Shaak Ti in LEGO Star Wars.. Shaak Ti was a female Togruta Jedi Master.She was killed by Starkiller which caused the native Felucians to fall to the Dark Side of the Force.. A/N: this is a one shot that I wanted to write for a while. Twi'leks are a separate species -- Aayla Secura, for example, is a Twi'lek. To coordinate the counter assault, Ti lured the boy deeper into the war, Master Ti sprung up slew. The puppet was defeated after a brief afafir with Knight Plo Koon coordinated Masters Ti, team 1 have... Independent and preferred to spar with words rather than her lightsaber communal,... Guerras Clon individual to be Shaak Ti who was shaak ti padawan a female Togruta Jedi Master Daakman Barrek Wiki a... Are deleted scenes that show Anakin impaling her with his Master per 's... Más fajú személyektől és magányos is volt in addition to her role on the.. Assault, Ti began to prepare for an assault on a distant.! Tentacle intent to kill the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Shaak Ti ’ s back... 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