Featured Titles. Hidden-power (Water) gets boosted in the rain and gives coverage. What are the Therian Forms of Landorus, Thundurus, and Tornadus based on? So you can put your EVs in bulk. Nature: Timid Por su forma de captura en los videojuegos, es un Pokémon errante. - Hammer Arm - Heat Wave Rampardos is a great option as a Rock type attacker but is weak to Tornadus’ charge move Grass Knot. Rest and Sleep Talk both get priority. Nature : Timid (+Speed -Attack) Grass-knot/HP(Ground). Superpower is its main coverage move, letting Tornadus hit Rock and Steel-type Pokemon that are expecting a pure special attacking Tornadus. It's a Special Attacking move so that's a +1 with my nature, but the cool thing is is that it takes out both of Thundurus's weakness types as well. Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd EVs: 252 HP/128 Def/128 Sp. Atk, but Tornadus still has a great Sp. You do not want to have 2 offensive moves of the same type, especially in this case. This set (well, one like it at least) can be used on any Pokemon that gets Prankster, Rest, and Sleep Talk. Simple as that really. For another, priority everything. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. And one is pushed out of OU by the other. A Mild nature with U-turn instead of Focus Blast is also doable. The Therian Forme has yet to make a debut in Pokémon Go. Max CP. Anyways, once you consume your berry or it gets knocked off, Acrobatics will have double power and is STAB. - Focus Blast. Moves : Pokemon Sword & Shield Crown Tundra Landorus-Therian moves, abilities, and EV spreads for Gen 7 OverUsed. It is vulnerable to Ice, Rock and Electric moves. Copyright © 2016 - 2021 All Rights Reserved. Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. What is a good moveset for Tornadus (both forms)? Swagger This one is for use in Rain, although you can use Air Slash if not using it in Rain. Access the full list of guidelines here. However, other Pokémon are able to temporarily become pure Flying types through their Abilities or moves, such as Kecleon and Arceus . This specific set lets you Bulk up and make use of your extra defenses, then strike insanely hard with Hammer Arm + Crunch coverage ( Dark + Fighting gets really good coverage ) and STAB Acrobatics. What are the best counters? Its power is great enough to blow houses away. With the support of a good spinner you could keep this thing alive for a VERY long time. In Therian Forme, Tornadus seems to be based on a bird of prey, most likely an eagle, vulture or other large avian species. Its power is great enough to blow houses away.". Flash Cannon - Flash Cannon is a cool move to come out of Therian Thundurus, but that's besides the point. Therian Form Tornadus has an alternate form that it can change to after obtaining and using the Reveal Glass . This one is for use in Rain, although you can use Air Slash if not using it in Rain. Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny Tornadus - Therian, which has the following appearance: Tornadus (Therian) is a legendary Flying Pokémon. This item can be obtained from a scientist in Reflection Cave . - Bulk Up. Thrash won't be Super-Effective and will cause confusion after 2-3 turns, but doesn't miss as often), Extrasensory/Dark Pulse/Heat Wave/Focus Blast/Iron Tail (Coverage. Focus Blast (Coverage), I think this is a good one: EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Hidden Power ( Water, Ground) / Focus blast ( chance of missing may screw you ), Tornadus (Therian) @Leftovers Tornadus (Therian) currently has no evolutions in Pokémon GO. Nature: Bold Timid is plus Speed minus Attack. Thundurus (Incarnate Forme) Type. - Air Slash Unfortunately its typing isn't very valuable in the Ultra League meta, where the only Pokemon it could possibly want to encounter are Fighting-types and the rare Grass Pokemon. Top rated Tornadus-therian Sun/Moon movesets. What is a good moveset for Calyrex (and its forms)? Focus Blast Heat Wave is sun boosted. Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) Just a quick video, straight to the point, no stupid explosive intros that give crazy epileptic seizures. - Focus Blast. I know most of those Attacks are special attacks and jolly nature lowers Sp. Hurricane, Defog and more! Along with Tornadus and Landorus, it is a member of the Forces of Nature. The best flying-type assaulter is Moltres with Wing Attack and Sky Attack, though if you missed your possibility for the Famous bird, Honchkrow with Peck and Sky Attack will do the job. Landorus has two different forms: Incarnate Forme and Therian Forme. Tornadus-therian movesets Sun/Moon are listed here. If you have a good competitive moveset for Tornadus, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Dark-pulse Tornadus es un Pokémon legendario de tipo volador introducido en la quinta generación. This page focuses on how to capture the Incarnate Forme of Landorus in Pokémon Go. VGC Tornadus-therian Competitive Movesets can be found here. Raid guide. Hasty Nature Brick Break deals with ice, steel, and rock types, and can remove screens as well. Ability: Defiant EVs: 248 HP/ 8 Def / 252 SAtk - Sleep Talk Prior to Generation VI, Tornadus's Therian Forme had the same body style as its Incarnate Forme. Origin. Ability:Regenerator Acrobatics ( flying gem activates before using this move,so you can get the dmg boost) Extrasensory - flinch and good damage ( chance to flinch makes it better than psychic ) The best flying-type … Jolly Nature (+Spd, - Sp. - Dark Pulse Toxic, [email protected] Orb It pairs particularly well with bulky Grass-types like Jumbao, Ferrothorn, and Tangrowth because they can check Electric-types like Tapu Koko, which Tornadus-T tends to struggle against. In Incarnate Forme, Tornadus may be based on Fujin, the kami of wind. Meaning you only have to worry about Thundurus-T. Because you get priority on everything, Speed is no longer needed. Tornadus-T @ Life Orb You could run Sitrus Berry for some healing, or Lum Berry so you don't have to be crippled by status such as burns. Trait: Regenerator Jolly Nature -Foul Play (No Reason) Air-slash is STAB and Flinch. - Hurricane/Air Slash The best moves for Tornadus (Incarnate) are Air Slash and Grass Knot when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. The best … Ability: Regenerator Trait: Regenerator The best moves for Tornadus (Therian) are Air Slash and Grass Knot when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread. Dark-pulse is coverage and Flinch. Tornadus's strongest moveset is Air Slash & Grass Knot and it has a Max CP of 3,215. Tornadus (Therian) is a Flying type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Ice, Rock and Electric moves. Thundurus (Incarnate Forme) Thundurus (Therian Forme) Thundurus (Incarnate Forme) - Recommended Moveset and Stats. Hurricane (STAB) Enjoy.Playing on: pixel.un-linked.com Best moveset for Tornadus - Therian. Since most people usually use Prankster Tornadus, I'd thought I do something different. - U-Turn Click here for more info ». -Aerial Ace (S.T.A.B. The moves highlighted in green benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus, and deal 20% more damage. Sleep Talk gets +1 priority, meaning you get +1 Hurricane/Air Slash and +1 Focus Blast. Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2021. This means priority healing for one thing. EVs: 252 S.Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Def. Can you catch any of the forms of landorus, thunderus and tornadus in dream radar? Cyberpunk 2077 . Air Slash is STAB. Only six Pokemon resist it. Air slash - flinch and STAB ♦U-turnis a physical 70-base power Bug-type move (Tornadus switches out after damaging the target). Crunch is to hit Bronzong and Slowbro-Galar hard. Atk), EVs: 252 HP/4 SpAtk/252 Speed Jolly Nature (+Spe -SpA) Gen 8 NU Moveset: EVs: 252 S.Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Hp, Air-slash Atk stat in the end). Brick Break ( 100% accuracy but lower damage / Hammer Arm ( 90% accuracy and lowers speed but don't worry,Tailwind covers up the speed loss ). Genshin Impact . EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd The best moves for Tornadus (Therian) are - Knock Off When picking Tornadus counters, Electric Pokémon are your best option, as they will deal super-effective damage and are not weak to any moves Tornadus can bring to the fight. Defiant raises your attack two stages when if an opponent lowers your stats. Hurricane is Tornadus-T's best STAB move, with its bad accuracy being compensated for by its raw power and 30% confusion rate. Psychic Nature: Hasty Tornadus has white, wavy and billowy styled hair, a spiky white mustache and two pointed green ears on either side of its head. You can find Tornadus-therian builds Sun/Moon. Held item: Razor claw (for them flinches) Substitute Ops my bad . Also, you can now run a Modest Nature to hit incredibly hard with 383 Special Attack and a Life Orb. Hasty is plus speed minus defense. All images and names owned and trademarked by Gamefreak, Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Niantic are property of their respective owners. Trait: Regenerator The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Tornadus (Therian) are: These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. With Regenerator, Tornadus restores 1/3 of its maximum hp rounded down when it switches out. U-Turn, on the other hand, lets … EVs:252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Atk In Incarnate Forme, Tornadus is a green, muscular humanoid Pokémon, which resembles a genie. Dark Pulse and Hyper Beam good second attack options too, but Hurricane is a must-have attack. And three of them are never seen in OU. One is Uber. - Bulk Up Its cumbersome moveset also leaves much to be desired. If you start to die out just switch out. Best moveset for Tornadus - Incarnate. Forma parte del trío de las nubes. Atk, but Tornadus still has a great Sp. Nature: Timid Tornadus-Therian @ Heavy-Duty Boots Other Tornadus Forms. Landorus evolution can make you possess some of the abilities, stats, moveset, and strength that help to a great extent even in reducing the weakness it has towards other types of Pokemon. U-Turn Swagger The best moveset for Tornadus is Air Slash paired with Hurricane, though even with this moveset, it’s not a great flying-type attacker. Support Tornadus-Therian (Popular/Trending) Tornadus is a legendary Support. - Crunch A Fighting-type move offers almost perfect coverage alongside Hurricane, with Superpower being far more accurate and hitting specially bulky Pokemon such as Assault Vest Raikou and Chansey harder and Focus Blast hitting physically bulky Pokemon that resist Flying such as Rotom-W and Mega Me… Double Team All forms can be switched using the Reveal Glass Locations items, abilities, natures and EVs. Fly ( As an alternative move for Tornadus ) / Hurricane ( ULTIMATE move but low accuracy) Master League: 0 / 5 Focus Blast is not recommended due to its low accuracy. Note that this does have a risk of picking Rest again, so watch out there! Landorus is a Ground/Flying Legendary Pokémon that was introduced in the Fifth Generation. The best moveset for Tornadus is Air Slash paired with Typhoon, though even with this moveset, it’s not an excellent flying-type assaulter. About Thundurus' EV Spread We're using a standard Special Attacking EV spread with full investment in Speed and Special Attack so that Thundurus can hit hard and as fast as possible. Trait: Prankster Timid Nature. There are several very good Electric options, and you can’t go wrong with any that I’ve listed above. On its forehead are two, purple, long and sharp horns. - Brick Break Tornadus Pokédex and learnset for reference. Regenerator (!) Pokemon Sword & Shield Crown Tundra Tornadus-Therian moves, abilities, and EV spreads for Gen 7 OverUsed. Forms for tornadus, thundurus, and landorus? Hurricane/Air Slash are STAB. -U - Turn (Oh god, works perfectly with Regenerator...), [email protected] Incence Psychic is coverage. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for … Tornadus is the only pure Flying-type Pokémon. Just like Tornadus, Thundurus has two forms: the human-like Incarnate Forme and the bird-like Therian Forme. It is a male-only species with no female counterpart. Dark Pulse, Tornadus - Incarnate Form Moveset: A Mild nature with U-turn instead of Focus Blast is also doable. This is a Pokemon Moveset Guide to the Genie Therian Forms! EV's: 252 speed , 252 sp attack , 6 hp No I didn't forget about Therian Landorus, Tornadus, and Thundurus. Defiant + Bulk Up. Its eyes are yellow with beady white irises and no visible pupils. Earthquake, U-turn and more! Rain Dance (Gives Hurricane 100% Accuracy) Atk Nature: Modest Focus-blast is great coverage. What is a good moveset for Landorus (both forms)? The biggest concern you have when facing Tornadus is the potential for the Charged Move: Grass Knot. It may also have drawn inspiration from genies. And I'd run Timid b/c I use U-Turn as more of a pivot move, IDC much about it's damage. oh I get it... but if it has even number of iv, the HP stat will be even, Well, with PO, the IVs can be made perfect, which is 31. - Acrobatics Grass Knot is another coverage move that hits Bulky Ground and Water-types. - Acrobatics Tornadus (M) @ Life Orb Hurricane This also makes it the only single-type Pokémon with a unique type combination. - Expect Grass Knot to be the bane of the existence of those with a Rock typing, plus Manoswine. Moves: All counter Pokémon. "Tornadus expels massive energy from its tail, causing severe storms. EVs: 184 Spe/148 Atk/178 Sp. EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef The typing of the Pokémon does not alter in between types, so all these counters must work no matter what. Grass-knot or HP(Ground) for your choice of coverage. - Rest Magnezone has it the best here. EV's: +252 Atk, +252Spe, +4 Def. To find exactly what level your Pokémon is, power up your Pokémon following this chart until you're certain of your level from Stardust cost changes.. A Pokémon's minimum level is 1. Here are the best movesets for Tornadus-therian. The lower half of its body is wrapped in a cloud … Bulk Up raises Tornadus' attack and defense. Heat wave would be a better choice, He's not mixed, so 4 SpA and Hasty Nature is pointless and why Acrobatics and not Aerial Ace or something, it does more damage then Acrobatics with an item. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles. Tailwind ( who wouldn't want a party of pokemon with 2x speed which lasts for 4 turns? ) Grass Knot deals super effective damage on Rock types, so until you know its moveset, Electric and Ice types are a safer bet against Tornadus. One is Uber. Every time you power up, … It does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon. Known as the cyclone Pokémon, Tornadus has two different formes - Incarnate and Therian … Well, I wouldn't risk the miss with Icy Wind. Item: Life-orb/Leftovers Hidden Power [Ice] / Dark Pulse / Hidden Power [Water] / Psychic, Fly (Power + Dodge Most moves first turn), Hammer Arm/Thrash (Hammer Arm can be Super-Effective, but it will lower your Speed and might miss. Sludge Wave is another good coverage move that hits bulky Grass-type Pokemon that take little damage from Thundurus' Electric-type attacks. Grass-knot would be for taking out heavy Ground, Rock, and Water types though Dark-pulse can be very useful coverage. Tornadus-I I have terrible luck. Media in category "Tornadus" The following 198 files are in this category, out of 198 total. All in all, Grass Knot aside, Tornadus should be a relatively comfortable raid boss to deal with when it comes to potion/revive management. What is a good moveset for Thundurus (both forms)? Toxic / Sludge Bomb (Badly Poison the target or deal damage and have a chance to poison) Like Thundurus and Tornadus before it, Landorus has two formes - Incarnate Forme and Therian Forme. Hurricane is super strong STAB and has perfect acc in the rain. Thundurus is an Electric, Flying-type Legendary Pokémon from the Unova region. This thing has already became insanely predictable as far as being very switch centered. 5; Read on. Dark Pulse + Focus Blast = Good coverage. Fly ( As an alternative move for Tornadus ) / Hurricane ( ULTIMATE move but low accuracy) Brick Break ( 100% accuracy but lower damage / Hammer Arm ( 90% accuracy and lowers speed but don't worry,Tailwind covers up the speed loss ) Fighting skill is useful to counter attack (ICE/ROCK) pokemon which is its weakness. Trait: Regenerator Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def), Item: Damp Rock Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def), Tornadus (M) @ Life Orb It means that instead of putting 4 Evs in HP, which is what Speed Freak did before editing, 4 Evs in Def would be a better idea. Moveset: - Hurricane, Moveset: - Rock types plus Magnezone resist Hyper Beam, others take neutral damage. Ability: Prankster Simply like Tornadus, Thundurus has 2 types: the human-like Incarnate Forme and the bird-like Therian Forme. Def Ability: Prankster Type ... Gardevoir - Stats, Best Moveset & Max CP . and never misses) -Brick Break (Gets rid of pesky screens) How do you get Tornadus,Thunderus, and Landorus therian forms? EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Tornadus expels massive energy from its tail, causing severe storms. Tornadus-T fits on most bulky offensive and balanced teams as a Defog user and offensive pivot. Fighting skill is useful to counter attack (ICE/ROCK) pokemon which is its weakness. Why do the Therian forms of Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus have hidden abilities? Trivia. Tornadus (M) @ Sitrus Berry / Lum Berry - Crunch. Ability: Prankster Item: Life-orb/Kings-rock Find various EV spreads, find the best nature for Tornadus-therian in Sun/Moon along with competitive movesets. How to use: You need to know your Pokemon's exact level. The typing of the Pokémon doesn’t … - Defog Tornadus is the first member of the legendary Forces of Nature trio from Gen 5 to appear in Pokémon Go. The front of Tornadus's body is covered in various, irregularly shaped purple spots. Focus Blast is pretty solid coverage. Tornadus is a mono-Flying type Pokemon with a high ATK stat and consequently poor bulk. Dark Pulse - got that flinch and can be STAB Tornadus is typically in Incarnate Forme but, if captured in Pokémon Dream Radar, it will be in the Therian Forme for Black 2 & White 2. Nintendo, the Pokémon doesn ’ t Go wrong with any that I ’ listed. 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And trademarked by Gamefreak, Nintendo and the bird-like Therian Forme strongest is! … Tornadus is a male-only species with no female counterpart both forms ) a unique combination... Be very useful coverage, find the best ones Company 2001-2021 a Flying type Pokémon which. Pokémon are able to temporarily become pure Flying types through their abilities or moves, such Kecleon! Dream radar a Max CP of 3,215 ( +Spd, - Sp not due! Also makes it the only single-type Pokémon with a Rock type attacker but is to! No stupid explosive intros that give crazy epileptic seizures purple spots from a scientist in Reflection Cave eyes! Became insanely predictable as far as being very switch centered Tornadus-T 's best STAB move, with its accuracy... Tornadus in dream radar Pulse, Tornadus, post an answer below and upvote the flying-type..., Thundurus has two formes - Incarnate Forme and Therian Forme ) Thundurus ( Incarnate )... 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