All vessels must be equipped with prescribed navigation lights when operated at night in accordance with the Boating Safety … The safety tips available in our safety checklists will help you to facilitate a safe and secure boating experience every time. Professional marine surveyors can do away with pen and paper and use this customizable digital checklist to certify a boat’s seaworthiness and generate complete inspection reports. You need to have at least one U.S. Coast Guard-approved PFD onboard per passenger—and a minimum of two PFDs total. Outdoor Annual 〉 Boating and Water Safety 〉 Required Safety Equipment. Required Safety Equipment Operating vessels without required equipment is prohibited. If your boat meets all CME requirements, you will receive a CME decal. If your boat is longer than 16 feet, you also need to have a throwable type four PFD on board. If defects are found, skippers can use a digital checklist to easily document and share it with a marine technician for quick response. Before leaving, check that you have enough fuel for the trip and that the oil and coolant are at good levels. 1. Trailering Checklist; Pre-Departure Checklist… With the many variables encountered on the water, it’s easy for accidents to happen if precautions are overlooked. Keep a well-stocked first aid kit in an accessible location. Remember, not all boaters, or passengers, have the same experience or comfort level. Customize it according to your state- or country-specific boat safety requirements and strengthen safety compliance. Ensure boating emergency preparedness by using this boat safety equipment checklist. A completed Rental Boat Safety Checklist is a valid proof of competency under the . part 2 checklist; part 3 - electrical installations; part 4 - electrically propelled vessels; part 5 - outboard & portable engines; part 6 - fire prevention & extinguishing equipment; part 7 - LPG installations; part 8 - appliances, flueing & ventilation; part 9 - pollution; part 10 - non-private boats & safety features; Boats … Lights. Through-hulls. It should be straight horizontally and … A red or orange flag (commonly referred to as skier down flag ) is required to be displayed when a person or persons being towed are down in the water. 1 million boaters since 1999. We use cookies to offer you our service. Having a checklist makes the process much, much easier. The flag must be at least one foot square. Ensure boating emergency preparedness by using this boat safety equipment checklist. Inform all passengers of fire extinguisher location(s). Also check that all battery powered equipment is working and pack spare batteries for important accessories like your handheld radio and flashlight. Inspect the steering … 9. A boat safety equipment checklist enumerates critical items that can be of great help in case of an emergency, including a set of state-approved PFD, basic first aid kit, fire extinguishers, visual distress signals (VSD), sound-producing devices, VHF radio and cell phone, and ventilation. Easily attach reference files, such as a map of all safety equipment, to guide you better in completing the boat safety equipment checklist. This type of checklist is easy to review, and it makes sure that you aren't caught unprepared.®, BOATER EXAM® are registered trademarks owned by Skipper Online Services (SOS) Inc. You need to have at least one U.S. Coast Guard-approved PFD onboard per passenger—and a minimum of two PFDs total. This incident affirms the importance of using boat checklists and why they should always be completed with diligence. Make sure items … You’re going nowhere without one in place, and it should fit snugly into the transom drain … In addition to the life jackets you wear, you’ll need at least one floating … Keel. Boat Safety Checklist - Your Essential Safety Kit! California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways recommends that all boaters take a boating safety course. Further, he is interested in maximizing the power of technology to help make the world a better place. Boat Safety Checklist Scrutinize a boat’s parts and equipment and determine if the boat is seaworthy Capture photo evidence of physical boat defects and instantly alert marine technicians … Have all of the required documentation for your planned activities, including boat registration, radio license, fishing permits and boater education card. Safety kill switch lanyard must be attached to operator. Perform paperless inspections and identify issues before a boat leaves the dock. Boat Safety Tips: Any boat can be struck by lightning … Certain items are not applicable to PWCs because PWCs are not allowed to operate between sunset and sunrise. Customize it... Professional marine surveyors can do away with pen and paper and use this customizable digital ... Dirk is a contributing writer for SafetyCulture who has 3+ years of experience being a Safety Officer in an international airline. You can also use it to keep new passengers informed and comfortable. Have a coule of spare dock lines onboard. Required on inboards and stern drives only. Avoid relying on stock knowledge alone; always check the latest weather radar and sea reports before any trip, and carefully decide if it is safe to go. The keel must run true in a straight line from fore to aft. So if you’re boating alone, you need two PFDs on board. Check that the battery is fully charged before leaving. Pen-and-paper based boat inspections can pose challenges for skippers, such as illegible handwriting, managing piles of paper records, and the possibility of damaging these records due to environmental conditions. BEFORE LEAVING STORAGE AREA WITH BOAT ALWAYS VERIFY THE MOTOR STARTS AND RUNS. Boat checklists can help to comply with Coast Guard requirements and ensure proper emergency safety equipment is on board. File a float plan with passengers and boat information with a friend or reliable party. Boat checklists cover many critical factors (including weather assessments) to help determine a boat’s compliance to safety standards. Getting started is easy, simply fill in your email and raise the game with iAuditor. In addition, relying on memory alone while doing these inspections can contribute to negligent decisions that compromise safety. The Boat Safety Scheme, or BSS, is a public safety initiative owned equally by the Canal & River Trust and the Environment Agency. The charges alleged that the captain failed to assess weather conditions both prior to and after entering the water and failed to instruct passengers to wear floatation devices during the severe weather conditions. Whether you are renting a boat or have your own, make sure that you have … THIS WILL ALSO INSURE YOU HAVE THE BOAT … Do not exceed the capacity of the boat … For the engine, survey its physical state, fuel tank, and exhaust system. Keep a handheld radio handy so you can regularly monitor the weather. The boat’s captain faced criminal charges related to misconduct, negligence and inattention to duty. Safety jackets and flotation devices are the most important piece of safety equipment … Boating can be a fun way to enjoy a summer day, but it’s important to stay safe while enjoying the water. Craft Regulations; when signed (by the customer and rental agent) AND carried … This article will (1) focus on the importance of using boat checklists; (2) discuss a 4-point boat checklist guide for skippers; and (3) provide 3 boat checklists you can download and customize for free. Inform all passengers of procedures for emergencies on the water, including stormy weather. Safety equipment is generally durable and long lasting. Boating safety is something that every boater should be aware of. Remember, drowning is the Number One cause of boating … If required, have a U.S. Coast Guard-approved fire extinguisher stored in an accessible place. Required only when boating on federally controlled waters. If you’re a skier or a wake surfer, you need to wear a personal flotation device (PFD). Something went wrong with your submission. For internal check, inspect general cleanliness, inboard engine stuffing box, condition of upholstery, electrical panel, and shorepower plugs. Drain Plug. Boat checklists help skippers (or boat commanders) ensure that their boats, crew, and passengers leave and return to port safely. Make sure to tell all of your passengers where the PFDs … California boating laws require recreational motorboats to carry the safety … 6. Items in this boat inspection checklist can be modified and made specific to the best practices of the surveyor’s firm. Store flares in a dry, accessible location. For boats sized between than 16 ft and 65.6 ft (20m): One approved Type I, II or III PFD for each person on board or being towed on water skis, etc. Below is an example of what should be included on your pre-departure checklist. Reorient yourself with the waters you are navigating and be on the lookout for changes in wind speed, tides/currents, and cloud formations. Throwable flotation devices. First, make sure your boat is safe and in good conditions before departure. During a stormy night in July 2018, a duck boat sank in Branson, Missouri, leading to a total of 17 casualties.® is the leader in boater education across North America and has educated and certified more than Skippers use comprehensive boat checklists to validate a boat’s seaworthiness before sailing. ON THE WATER. Following a Boat Safety Checklist before departure is … Run the blower for 4 full minutes before turning on the engine. Keep small, storable items like flares, V sheet, EPIRB, torch and other bits and pieces in an accessible, sealed, waterproof container. Proper boating safety means being prepared for any possibility on the water. … Any child under the age of 13 also … DISPLAY OF NUMBERS - Must be permanently attached to each side of the forward half of the boat. Strainers, intakes and exhaust or discharge fittings are free from restrictions such as barnacles, marine growth or debris. One of the best ways to be prepared is to use a pre-departure checklist before each trip---even short trips! batteries) Check Fuel Amount Ensure Anchor is ready for use Check … In addition, skippers can file a float plan and share it via email with a reliable person whom they can alert in case of route changes or distress. Check to make sure you have all the required navigation lights and that they are working properly. Topics covered include: Hurricane Preparation, Outboard Motor Care, Safety, Spring Maintenance, and Winterizing. Some checklists will simply be a read-do, which means you read what it says and do it (turn off air conditioner – check; close head seacock – check) while other are do-confirm, which means do the … 8. If you have a VHF radio, know how to use it. This way, when you're boating, you're not only safe, but legal as well. Oftentimes, a Coast Guard representative can come aboard to check on these. Additional boat safety information and boating laws. Print out these checklists or link to them from your company’s website to provide your customers with easy access to step-by-step guides to owning and maintaining their boat. Whether you’re headed for one of the 10 best party coves in America, casting for walleye from a freshwater fishing boat, or going offshore powerboat racing, there are certain items you need to have aboard every boat.These things should be on each and every boater’s checklist: United States Coast Guard required safety … Safety … Boater Education Card (power-driven boats over 15 hp) yes yes yes yes yes no PFD: Type I, II, III, or V (one per person) yes yes yes yes yes yes PFD: Type IV no no yes yes yes no Type B-I Fire Extinguisher (power-driven boats only) yes yes yes yes yes no Ignition Safety … The rental agent reviewed a chart/map of the area and showed me the suggested route(s) for the rental period. Always check the forecast before any trip. With the digital boat checklists of iAuditor, the world’s #1 mobile inspection app, skippers can make boat inspections more powerful and reap the following benefits: A boat safety checklist is used by skippers to ensure that their boats, crew, and passengers leave and return to the port safely. Minimum Required Safety … See also, Equipment and Lighting Requirements in the boating regulations. Boat safety checklists also help them fulfill safety compliance to Coast Guard regulations. When crossing the path of another boat, I will yield (give way) to the boat on … Here, we have put together a safety checklist based on Florida law. If you have crew and passengers with you, do not forget to share with them important safety knowledge and remind them of the boating rules and location of important items aboard. State regulations require a list of must-have boating safety equipment onboard. Check that it's securely mounted and not expired. Competency of Operators of Pleasure . For external check, take a look at parts, such as the hull, propeller, navigation lights, anchors, rollers, fenders, and fibreglass. Skippers may use a digital checklist to attach helpful guides, such as a map of the safety equipment’s locations, to improve efficiency in checking these items. Basic Boating Checklist A basic guide for our valued customers – Be sure to reference your owner’s manuals for complete information. You need to have at least one anchor onboard, attached to the anchor line. Make sure that passengers know where distress signals are located and how to use them. For boats smaller than 16 ft (4.9m):One approved Type I, II, III or V (must be worn) PFD for each person on board or being towed on water skis, tubes, etc. Handles are attached to valves for quick closure. If fumes are present after blowing, look for a leak or spill. ; and one throw… All recreational vessels are required to have size-specific safety equipment on board. By using this checklist… Its purpose is to help minimise the risk of boat fires, explosions, or pollution … Make sure to tell all of your passengers where the PFDs are located. Over the course of his tenure, he worked on projects involving training management, ramp safety inspections, quality & safety certification audits, and safety promotion programs. Reference guides, annotated images, and electronic signatures can also be easily appended to this digital boat inspection checklist. Due diligence should be exercised for every checklist item because even a simple act of negligence can jeopardize the safety of a boat’s passengers and crew. Keep a basic toolbox onboard with commonly used spare parts, like a fuel filter and light bulbs. 7. By continuing to use this site you consent to our use of cookies as described in our policy, misconduct, negligence and inattention to duty, Customize checklists according to your preference, Add attachments that can help remind skippers to complete boat checklist items diligently, Capture photo evidence of physical boat defects and instantly alert your marine technician through iAuditor, Avoid confusion caused by illegible handwriting, Easily access inspection records with iAuditor’s safe cloud backup, Have a dashboard where you can easily identify recurring boat issues, Easily check history and identify recurring defects, Have a centralized database of all records and avoid piles of paper-based records, Protect the integrity of valuable boat records with iAuditor’s safe cloud storage, Easily access and retrieve records when needed, Customize checklists according to your state or country’s specific boating safety requirements, Handily show and send completed boat checklists when requested by your Coast Guard, Enable electronic signatures for boat inspection sign-off, Scrutinize a boat’s parts and equipment and determine if the boat is seaworthy, Capture photo evidence of physical boat defects and instantly alert marine technicians, Customize according to your state or country’s specific boating safety requirements. Fueling | Chapter 4: Emergency Preparedness. So if you’re boating alone, you need two PFDs on board. If you are carrying an air horn, also pack a spare can of compressed air. Keep local charts on hand for quick reference. Life Jackets for Safety. Other equipment recommended for your safety and the safety of your passengers is noted in the section on Vessel Safety Checks on page 52 and in the Boater’s Pre-Departure Checklist on page 70 . Download our printable PDF! On powered vessels, make sure enclosed spaces are well ventilated. If your boat fails to meet all requirements, no report is made to any law enforcement agency. Motorboats 16 Feet to Less Than 26 Feet in Length . Safety begins with the knowledge of how to use a number of different pieces of equipment on board a boat. You need to take a life jacket for each person on the boat. Most boats should have the following items available on board: an original and current Certificate of Documentation, Certificate of Number, Radio License, Boater Education Card, and State Numbering Display. Visit for courses in your area. Test Marine Radio (voice call) Test Navigation and Anchor Lights Test Steering (free movement) Test Tilt / Trim Test Bilge Pump Check for any excessive water in bilges Check Fuel System for any leaks Check Engine Fluids Ensure Boat Plug is properly installed Check Electrical System Check Galley / Heating Systems Check Gauges (i.e. If your boat is longer than 16 feet, you also need to have a throwable type four PFD on board. No two boating trips are the same, so you need to treat every trip seriously and always take some basic precautions before setting out. Download the Boating Safety Guide and Equipment and Departure Checklists to help you know what safety equipment is required on a boat, as well as preventative measures the U.S. Coast Guard recommends to enjoy a safe boating … You need at least two sound-signaling devices on board, such as an air horn, bell or whistle. No person may operate or give permission for the operation of a vessel that is not provided with the required safety … Make sure the bilge is dry, clear of waste, and that your bilge pump is working properly. Contact us if you require any assistance with this form. Here is a 4-point guide skippers can refer to when checking these factors in a boat checklist: Before pulling out a boat from storage, examine the engine, the exterior, and interior parts. 'S securely mounted and not expired well ventilated prepared is to use a pre-departure checklist use them you can use! 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