Q: What are the Requirements for Getting an FFL? Hey Troy! Please feel free to read FFL Requirements or check out Ryan’s recent Trigger Words podcast – Foreign Persons. FFL License Types Class 3 License and How to Become a Dealer How to Transfer a Gun, Get Your FFL Become an SOT ATF Compliance, RocketFFL 5543 Edmondson Pike Nashville, TN 37211 info@RocketFFL.com M-F 8am-5pm CST. There is no expiration date on the courses. So as part of the steps we are interviewed in person for determination if I’m suitable to be a ffl dealer? Absolutely! Ryan gets into this in much more detail in the course and addresses things like approvals needed from zoning, landlords, HOAs, etc., as well as what to expect when the ATF comes out to inspect your location prior to approving your application. However, a FFL under an individual’s name is able to keep all the assets without paying the transfer tax as they were transferred to them personally in the eyes of the government. In fact, according to the ATF , the law itself is written that an application for a Federal Firearms License “will be approved” if the applicant: Can you possess and use them without needing NFA paperwork? I don’t want to be a pawn shop but wouldn’t mind “pawning” or loaning money for guns to help. I already have the forms to fill out, tho there’s some information on there that I’m not sure how to get, for example, the police commissioner’s contact info and address, do you go over this sort of thing in your course? I am interested in your course. In short the answer would be no. IS THERE A MINIMUM SALES REQUIREMENT? If you let me help you, that’d be great! Required fields are marked *. I hope you decide to take Ryan’s course and if you do, please let us know if you have any unanswered questions afterwards. Please feel free to take it and let us know if you have any questions afterwards. Only one chapter is dedicated to the application itself. In fact, most FFLs in this country are home-based FFLs. Id like some clarification on your statement. Thx, I am currently under contract with the state department (OCONUS) and was looking into purchasing a rifle from Taran Tactical. How to Get an FFL How Much Does an FFL Cost? I would like my company to purchase and dispose of firearms for business purposes and become an arms dealer as well. The ATF.gov website allows FFL dealers to download the entire FFL database (which provides the physical addresses of all FFLs). To buy a say pistol there I have to have an AL DL. That seems to be an option on the application. Ryan Cleckner, Thank you for your ongoing involvement in the firearms community. Every type of license allows the individual to do something with the Firearms. Q: Can I get a FFL for only personal usage? First off, huge fan of the YouTube videos. You can only do the activity for which you have been given a legal license. Shouldn’t I only have to apply for the license? Is that true? Do you HAVE to get certified gunsmith skills in order to become FFL? Learn more about FFL Costs. If that policy were to change in the future, it would not affect any existing members, only new members/course purchases. Thank you in advance. Get Started. It is a federal law (and it’s even a question on the FFL application). The Process to Get the SOT is exactly the Same. Once again, Thank you for your service and all you continue to do. In this case, the buyer does not need to complete a Form 4473 and you do not need to administer a background check. Obtaining this license essentially puts you in a position of power. The term FFL is also sometimes interchangeably used to refer to the holder of an FFL. For example, itd be nice not to have to pay another fee because the weapon I want to purchase (a handgun for example) has to be shipped to an FFL holder.. usually a gun shop of some kind, and the purchaser gets charged a storage or handling fee (at least where Im from). Hi Alex! So, there you have it. Typically, the business should be the FFL holder but there are a few nuances that can change that answer. How To Get A Virginia FFL License. No questions asked. When choosing an FFL License course, you should look to make sure that you are getting: There are currently only a few Online FFL License Courses. 2. If you’re not making a firearm or ammunition, no FFL is needed. Usually, an IOI will visit the new place to ensure it is good to go. IF I AM AN FFL HOLDER DO I STILL NEED TO FILL OUT A 4473 FORM? I’m looking at obtaining my FFL licence and would like to know a little more about your course. There are a few tricks to getting your FFL at your home – I share all of these and more in the Get Your FFL Guide. But, you must have at least some business intent. For example, if you’re living in an apartment building in New York city, you probably aren’t going to get an FFL. Hey Ashley! AR15.COM is the world’s largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. Through buying on another site, I found that not all dealers will accept from an indiviudal although the law would allow. I own a company that is looking to get into security as an adjunct to other activities that our company does. Getting a Federal Firearms License (FFL) is a good move. I have a landscaping business license thru my home part time where I live. Q: What is a Class 3 License? Thanks for the information Ryan, its most appreciated. A Type 7 FFL is a manufacturer of firearms (who can also sell firearms and manufacture ammunition). Depending on the type of federal firearms license, guns can be purchased and sold as parts of a business, guns can be manufactured for sale, and/or firearms can be imported. I was recently told by an FBI agent here in Phoenix that taking a FFL course was not necessary. Even better, you can now be the FFL Dealer collecting transfer fees and charging a markup on your FFL firearms sales. SO how can you do that? Learn more about Class 3 License. Pros of Firearms Licenses The best part is, with only two firearms sales, you could easily make back your money and never have to pay marked-up prices from gun stores or FFL dealer transfer fees. Great question – we explore the nuances of these types of transactions in our ATF Compliance section, If I were to become an FFL, am I still able to engage in private sales/ trading as an individual? But, there are some exceptions in which you don't need an FFL. A: No, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF or ATF) will not issue an FFL for 100% personal usage. Federal firearms licensees (FFL) are critical partners ... purchasers, ensure that crime guns can be traced back to their first retail purchaser by keeping records of transactions, and facilitate safe storage of firearms by providing child ... individual seller. I am a non-resident who opened a LLC in the US and want to export guns parts and import into us, but I do not have an SSN, can I get a license? Who would hold the FFL? For the most part, if you’re at least 21-years-old and you can legally purchase a firearm, you should meet the criteria set-up by the ATF to be eligible to become an FFL. Here’s a table that shows each FFL type and SOT class along with the NFA business activity. I am interested in your course and would like to know how long it takes to get your FFL from start of your course until you get the FFL? In some cases, listing and selling some firearms online is enough – there is no minimum. I am sure that you have already been asked this but i did not see a response on the ones I did. Sorry for the delay – I think there’s a lot of helpful stuff in the course. I will be applying for a type 1. It’s important to note that a Type 7 Federal Firearms License also lets you be a firearms dealer – therefore, if you want to manufacture and sell firearms, a Type 7 FFL covers both! If you want help with the process, Ryan’s Get Your FFL course is available. My target is shows. I understand you can get them quicker, but are you allowed to possess and use them? Doing transfers is an easy way for your local FFL holders to generate cash flow without carrying inventory. Learn more about FFL Types. From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. If you meet the requirements laid out in the Act based on the application and licensing process, you can get an FFL. - GunUniversity.com, Best Gifts for Gun Lovers [2019 - All Budgets] - GunUniversity.com, Class 3 License and How to Become a Dealer, Manufacturer/Dealer of Firearms and Ammunition, Manufacturer/Dealer of Destructive Devices, Automatic Notifications on Changes in Laws, Donates Portion of Profits to Military Charities, has been convicted of any crime punishable by more than a year in prison (whether or not they were ever sentenced to or served a day in prison), is under indictment for any crime punishable by more than a year in prison, is an unlawful user of any controlled substance, has been adjudicated as a mental defective, has been committed to a mental institution, has a dishonorable discharge from the military, is the subject of a restraining order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or the child of an intimate partner, or, who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, There’s a few nuances that you might need to be aware of if you think that any of these apply to you – especially the “convicted of any crime punishable by more than a year,” “unlawful user of a controlled substance,” and “restraining order” provisions. Before you are approved your FFL license, you should revise you collection and determine if there are any items you would like to sell. by Ryan | Jan 22, 2021 | FFL, Popular | 95 comments. What FFL would I need for that? from an FFL holder to an individual or ; from an individual to an FFL holder. Contrary to popular belief, the requirements to get an FFL aren’t that hard. Yes, you can get them for yourself too, however, that may NOT be your sole intent. If you’re a gun enthusiast and planning to engage in the firearms business, one of the top requirements you’ll need is to get an FFL (Federal Firearms License). The above comments are absolutely correct that an individual can ship to and FFL dealer. Unlike some other licenses which are “may issue,” an FFL is a “shall issue” license. I am going to school to be a Gunsmith, should I wait on getting my FFL? It also allows you to carry out sales of firearms within your state and to also supply it to other states. A Class 3 License isn’t really a thing – instead it is an FFL who registered as a Class 3 SOT and who can sell NFA Firearms. You cannot do these things without a license due to the Gun Control Act of 1968. Have you ever thought about how to get a Virginia FFL license and wondered what the associated cost may be ? The ATF, and possibly your state, have minimum requirements that you and your business (if applicable) must meet before you’ll get your license to be a licensed firearms dealer or manufacturer. Hello Ryan, I’ve been researching / studying firearms. In addition to the FFL requirements above, your business/entity must also meet some basic requirements. It has nothing to do with concealed carry. ALL I WANT IS THE ABILITY TO BUY WEAPONS I WOULD USE FOR HUNTING INCLUDING SEMI AUTOS SHOTGUNS BOLT ACTIONS ETC ETC AND SELF DEFENSE PISTOLS WHICH TYPE OF FFL WOULD I NEED? Simply, you must be permitted to conduct the business activity at the location you’ve chosen. By private party, we mean “individual”. In order to get an FFL from the ATF, you MUST have a business intent. I think what you are doing is amazing and im very grateful that you have posted so much useful information, I have been considering trying for my FFL for awhile just need to get the proper amount of money and the knowledge of when and where to go for it so thank you very much. Yes, you need a U.S. business premises in order to have an FFL. Required fields are marked *. Thanks. Is a F.F.L. Brick-and-mortar stores are not a requirement for getting an FFL. If you’d like to learn more about these prohibited person categories, see Prohibited Persons / Firearm Possession. You can absolutely get your FFL on your own – this is a course to help teach people about the process and help them to make sure they set it up the right way. Things like full auto weapons and silencers? This may not be as big of a deal as you think but it’s not minor either. Ryan, the goal of my having my FFL is to be able to purchase firearms for myselfe as well as doing transfers for people. Do neighbors have to be notified of my FFL intent? There are special rules for being so close to a school that we cover in our course. Good morning. What type of FFL license do I need? Learn how your comment data is processed. I’m looking forward to having you in our industry. Q: What is a Type 1 FFL? I am interested in getting a curio and relic license in order to collect older guns off the DOJ list in CA. No requirement to take a course – you can get your FFL on your own. Q: How Much Does an FFL Cost? I am under the impression this requires me to get a type 7? Notifying your neighbors is a requirement for some towns/cities but it is not a federal requirement. Here’s a breakdown of the number of each type of FFL: For a breakdown of what each type of federal firearm license allows, along with which class of SOT applies, see this chart: SOT stands for Special Occupational Taxpayer (sometimes called an SOT License)and depending on which Class of SOT goes along with the federal firearms license type you choose, you can either buy/sell, make, and/or import NFA Firearms (sometimes called Class 3 firearms) like suppressors, short barreled rifles, machine guns, and more. I have a Master’s, Bachelor’s, and an Associate’s in Criminal Justice. Great question! I would like to primarily deal in ammunition sales and doing transfers. Thanks for the info. I am looking to Mgf. A: If someone has an FFL, it means that they may engage in firearm business activity – this includes, buying, selling, and making guns for a profit. He can, and he does, in the Get Your FFL guide which walks you through the entire process from start to finish. But you never know what the future holds. The actual process of getting your FFL License can be difficult. Was reading your website pages and have a question about NFA items. Trying to learn more about them, and I have a question. Your email address will not be published. Yes, you need at least a Type 07 FFL to manufacture firearms with the intent to sell them. Follow these four steps and you’ll be up and running in no time: If you can possess a firearm and are at least 21 years old, then you can get an FFL. If you’re unhappy with the course, let us know and we’ll refund your money. A person who wishes to obtain an FFL must submit to the BATFE regional office the appropriate form (ATF form 7), fee, photograph, and fingerprints obtained from a law enforcement agency. Yes, you can become an international arms dealer! If you’d like to learn more about each FFL license type and what each allows, you should sign up for our Get Your FFL course! Ryan, I was wondering, I had an FFL in Alaska back in 1993-95 timeframe. Q: Can I Get a Home-Based FFL? selling or making them). Does the firearm only need to be serialized when I want to sell it on a production scale? There’s a fee associated with each license, and they vary depending on the type of license you’re applying for. You can only do this if the firearm was in your collection for a full year. Thanks, Jamie Ramey. No FFL is needed for ammunition sales. Is there a specific State you recommend to do so. Does have an FFL allow for the transfer of suppressors for example to LE in states where they are prohibited from private ownership like CA. FFL License For Personal Use One of the greatest benefits of owning an FFL License is the possibility of buying firearms for personal use at a much cheaper cost. guidance from a true industry insider/professional who knows the ins-and-outs of both the firearms industry and the ATF. The application process consists of filling out a few forms including the application itself, a form to certify your citizenship in the US, and FBI fingerprint cards. gaboy77, Jan 28, 2011 I’m sorry to hear that! You must have a legitimate intent to be engaged in the business of selling firearms. A Type 1 FFL is a dealer of firearms or gunsmith. Also, any individual holding a FFL licensee can do the transfer for you. There are certain people who do not meet the requirements to get an FFL (nor may they possess firearms or ammunition). In fact, if you can possess a firearm, you are at least 21 years old, and you have a location for your license, then you can get an FFL. Perhaps you have friends you can help with FFL transfers from GunBroker.com handgun purchases, for a small transfer fee? Good news! Anyone can apply for an FFL and be approved if you’re not a prohibited person. (retired military-Honorable discharge-certified marksmanship instructor through the Army/CC out of Texas/legal firearms for personal use already in the home/no felonies. Thanks Gary. These FFL location requirements vary depending on your state of residence. Or can the company hold the license? Online course helps you to get your FFL fast and easy. Assembling an AR-15 with the intent to sell it is definitely manufacturing activity per the ATF. Hi Joseph – Please feel free to apply for an FFL. professional course software that helps you track your progress, automatically notifications of any updates in the law, and, available follow-on training and certifications for both you and your employees. The ATF requires actual store hours. I want to import, or buy within the US, mil-surp guns and offer gunsmithing on them, as well as, refurbish them and sell them once they’ve been refurbished. . I am in no rush for the weapon itself to reach my home because I am not due back for a few months, but I do not know the closest FFL dealer to my home. Does that require a “business” intent as well? If you’d like some help with this, please reach out to info@rocketffl.com. I’m active military, and as such move from time to time. Getting your FFL license is easier than you think. How to Get Your Virginia Concealed Weapons Permit - RocketCCW, Class 3 License and How to Become a Dealer, FFL license requirements for individuals, and, Requirements for a business/entity to get an FFL, Be legally allowed to possess firearms and ammunition, Have a location for conducting FFL activities (, Ensure that your business activity at that location meets zoning requirements, has been convicted of any crime punishable by more than a year in prison (whether or not they were ever sentenced to or served a day in prison), is under indictment for any crime punishable by more than a year in prison, is an unlawful user of any controlled substance, has been adjudicated as a mental defective, has been committed to a mental institution, has a dishonorable discharge from the military, is the subject of a restraining order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or the child of an intimate partner, or, who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. 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