John and I recorded an additional four hours (till 1 AM). Many of the writers did become illustrious personalities, exactly as you point out. Best wishes, Brent! Brent Metcalfe. Brent Lee Metcalfe - Wikipedia What do you attribute this decline to? Historian Brent Metcalfe says he was fired by the church out of fear he'd publish something they didn't like. Biography [ edit] As a prep wrestler, Metcalf went undefeated with a career record of 228-0, won four consecutive Michigan state titles, and earned six junior national titles. Other early-19thC religionists were even more literal in their descriptions. This is what led me here! Surely, anyone who was even moderately sure of themselves in this case would have responded such as this : We have no idea where this letter came from, theres absolutely no truth in it and we disregard it completely.we maintain Josephs account to be true D&C 76:2021). Our interview continues tonight!!! Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. [9][10] His father was the managing director of the Temple Department for the LDS Church. I clearly remember the frustration in her voice. Do you have any idea what his views are now about the church, what he did, etc.? 10 of Brent Metcalfe Podcasts Interviews | Updated Daily - OwlTail had the same reaction to the Sandra Tanners interview. His contributions, reflections, thoughts and insights represent some of the most important contributions in the history of not just Mormon Stories, but Mormonism in general. I always enjoyed our discussions years ago about your love for the Indians in your mission and then your experience doing research with their culture and you feelings towards the Book of Mormon. In Part 3, Brent discusses the aftermath of the Hofmann murders, including the trial and Hofmanns eventual plea deal. Murder Among The Mormons, Brent Metcalfe Story - YouTube Thanks for the interview both of you. And if Christianity/Mormonism is *false*, then were being done a tremendous service in this falsification. Good clarification, Doubting Thomas (if that is your real name), :) I have no reason to believe that Jerald Tanner attempted official contact, so Im not sure who Darrick is referring to or what the method of communication entailed. They buried the Mclellin diaries also.similar thingdidnt like the content. 100% CAUCASIAN Our ethnicity data indicates the majority is Caucasian. Re: [ZION] LDS Writer Expects to Be Excommunicated I especially connected with his comments on ADD. Brent did Jerald make an official overture to church leadership regarding Hofmann being a fraud? It is his sixth season overall with the Cyclones after serving as the volunteer assistant for the 2017-18 season. Im sure this applies to other beliefs as well. In these two episodes we discuss: The aftermath of the Mark Hofmann bombings, and Brent's excommunication for his research into the Book of Mormon, and Brent's review of challenges to traditional approaches to the Book of Mormon. I struggled in school with learning how to read for years and this resulted in me developing crippling anxiety any time I was aced to read in public. Part 1 of the interview stuck much closer to home for me. I was hoping you would have spoken more about the Book of Mormon and Abraham. Who does he think the last bomb was meant for? Its a pity Joseph Smith couldnt sit them all down for a good coming-to-Jesus admonishing. Charles, I dont think I threw the baby out with the bathwater since my examination of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures resulted in the same intellectual concerns that I had with LDS scriptural extensions. October 20, 2021. Im glad you found some of my remarks useful and thanks for the kind comments. It was so, so interesting. See the next John Whitmer Historical Association Journal for one of my essays. I have one teensy-tiny criticism about Johns sensitivity when someone questioned why Brent did not pursue an advanced degree. I hope you consider doing this. Ive heard there might. What academic publications does Mr. Metcalfe have to his name that qualifies him to be called one of the foremost scholars in understanding the Book of Abraham? Gary at the time was an up-and-coming star because of his writing skills. [9][4], After being fired from his job in security for the LDS Church for his writings, Metcalfe worked first for Steve Christensen and later for Mark Hofmann. In Part 1, Brent talks about his early days in the Church and his time working for Church security. In Part 3, Brent discusses the aftermath of the Hofmann murders, including the trial and Hoffman's eventual plea deal. The lengthy, five-part series covers Metcalfes childhood in Mormonism, his mission, his time []. Andrew, Joseph Smith dictated the story of princess Katumin and her regal father Onitas to his scribes Oliver Cowdery and William W. Phelps, who recorded the tale in two small notebooks. Rude Dog Never fear! brent metcalfe excommunicated - brent metcalfe excommunicated Little trace of Morison survives for much of the early 1540s, but it is clear that he built up his landed base and attached himself to . My mind was calm and at peace with God through the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world. Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune Dorie Olds is the ex-wife of Mormon bomber Mark Hofmann, who killed two people on Oct. 15, 1985. LDS was newly brought to her by a missionary before me. I went to BYU and graduated with honors but I did everything I could to get out of reading or to read beforehand what I could be asked to read out loud. If you ever get the chance to talk with Steve Christensens wife and/or Brent Metcalfe again, I would like to hear you explore this dichotomy with them as they are polar opposites. When I was on my mission in the early 70s, we were encouraged to show a film called Ancient America Speaks. Why didnt the Lord reveal to the prophet that the documents were forged? Lex, you might be interested in the work of Lance Owens. He also discusses the events leading up to, and including, his excommunication. But this podcast is filled with way more than you will get in the book or documentary. pigella miraculous ladybug power. We hope to rerecord sometime next week. Id like to hear Mr. Metcalfe address the character, integrity and morals of LDS apostles and prophets with regard to the books of A and M. Regarding the recent essay published by the LDS church regarding the Book of Abraham; what does he think they got right and what does he think is wrong? Billy Hibbard, for instance, who became a Methodist preacher, recounted: I thought how happy must Jesus Christ have been when he suffered for sinners. Thanks for this podcast! Thanks again Brent for sharing a sketch of your life with us. If so, what will be the subject? They are in a tough spot. Hearing Brent break down the Hoffman timeline and story was amazing. This is a rumor I heard. Doxey denied asking about Metcalfe. I think that the Salt Lake LDS church is concerned with becoming the RLDS church, which has changed its narrative to a very noncompelling one, and about 80% of its members have left. Brent Metcalfe - Very informative. But before Brent could truly move on, he had to deal with the emotional turmoil of knowing that he was associated with Mark Hofmann. Thanks again Brent! Is there going to be a part 3? I heard this in contrast to the snippet of Steve Christensens wife on a news show asking about what Steve Christensen was threatening Mark Hofmann with if he didnt produce the McClellin collection where she stated something along the lines of He was going to go to the police and have him arrested. Oh, that would be great! In this fascinating conversation Brent details that while working for Church security he was working on scholarly endeavors that he hoped would help contribute to apologitic defenses of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What would you say are the most significant developments in the critiques of the church in the past 20 years that didnt exist beforehand? You are hesitant to answer no evil speaking on what you cant say right ;). Questions for Brent Metcalfe | Mormon Stories [8], Metcalfe is a native of New Zealand. Thank you for this interview. About a year or so ago when I finally left the church I looked him up to get advice and catch up on old times. This is definitely a not-miss interview. Awesome music, right? Although he refused to read her book, a respected Mormon scholar named J. Reuben Clark asked the Deseret News to publish his long review of No Man Knows My History. Thanks again for your contribution to Mormon Studies and particularly for your diplomatic engagement with your critics. How have things changed over the decades? [4] Metcalfe had become an ardent supporter of the counterfeited Salamander letter, and hired by Christensen to research the letter. Today the church has suffered too many blows to its claims of certainty to dare to treat its members the way it treated Brent Metcalfe. It is better thought of by non-Catholics (generally), but this has not translated into conversions or retention of cradle Catholics. But those were interesting times! I think we ought to be okay with these questions, and not automatically defensive. Cultural Context Preceding the Book of Mormon,,,,,,,, Signature Books Mormon News, October 1317. He has also served in the United States Air Force (Air National Guard) since 2004. These other people that had experiences dont seem to have a similar backlash evident. For more information, please see our He did so to prevent members from apostatizing and becoming fundamentalists. My good friend Matt Christensen digitized the 7th East Press and was kind enough to allow Signature Books to make it available on their incredible digital library. I do not have that ability as I actually changed an Economics major when I took my first accounting class. Excellent question. I just shook my head to hear the tale of the magisterium giving you the boot, Brent. Books to Read | Recovery from Mormonism I do remember after my baptismal interview having a strong feeling of love and admiration for him because someone so respected thought I was special too. What was the arrangement and the special business relationship Steven had with the Church in this regard? If God will ultimately judge us all, why are mere mortals judging mortals, with the illusion of acting for God? Published by on October 31, 2021. I am quite sure, that film is no longer shown. It would yield some satisfaction to me, if my misery can be a cause of happiness to others; but when I came to the place of prayer, had kneeled down, and closed my eyes, with my hands uplifted toward the heavens, I saw Jesus Christ at the right hand of God looking down upon me, and God the Father looking upon him. at firesides, etc about some new discovery somewhere that was about to put to rest the concerns about the BOMs historicity. Sincerely, Terry. Thank you Brentyou are certainly one of the true Saturdays Warriors Thank you I am glad I came across your website! Elbert was the managing editor, and Ron the financial guy, so I had the impression that Elbert created the whole thing. Brent Metcalf (47 matches): Phone Number, Email, Address - Spokeo Daniel Kahneman speaks in terms of efficient Thinking Fast biases that unconsciously deploy the WYSIATI (What-You-See-Is-All-There-Is) heuristic, which has proved itself sufficiently satisficing for selection. 497: Brent Metcalfe Part 3 -- After the Hofmann bombings and his - IMDb As a teenager and still TBM I read some books on the Hoffman Salamander Letter and events surrounding it. Thank you John and Brent. And you are an example. It was awful so stressful. Utah LDS Member Excommunicated By Eagle Mountain Stake - Blogger The weaker the church gets the better it gets and when it is completely impotent and ceases to exist it will be the best it can ever be. I was a newly returned missionary at BYU when all of this took place. John, please interview Mark Hoffman someday if you can! Thank you. Honestly, incredible work. Thanks for the clarification, Brent. They use evidences such as paintings from the 1600s showing native americans using temple signs/tokens, apparent cuneiform writings being discovered that spell Yod Hey Va, and that the Hopewell/Adena Indians are the Nephites/Jaredites. It seems there is some serious self deception that is required to work around these problems that are creating riffs in families, as well as individual conflicts of spiritual dissonance for good members and leaders of the church. What are your views on how the Book of Mormon was created? Thanks Brent for sharing your story with usand to John for bringing it to us. Again, Im not sure that you would disagree with any of this. o David Wright was excommunicated for apostasy in April 1994 for his nontraditional views on Mormon scripture as exhibited in essays like his chapter in New Approaches to the Book of Mormon. Ive followed Mormon stories for several years now and listed to most of the episodes and this interview with Brent Metcalfe is in my top 5 MS podcasts. This doesn't mean that Metcalfe has accurately translated that theory into his study of things Mormon. Does your wife and/or children? I just looked down at the paper and I felt this wave of total anxiety come over me and then all of a sudden it was like my brain stopped working and it felt like I was looking at a different language.