The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) supported the proposal and stressed the responsibilities for training to be available arising from legislation on disabilities. Bus users considered a maximum period, rather than a fixed one, should be set. One person who disagreed stated ‘I completely disagree with allowing exemption in rural areas. RECENT AMENDMENTS IN CPC. It would be necessary to retain a requirement to prove compliance through Driver CPC or Code 95 for non-UK drivers. The amendment exempts lessees … Please note that not all of the respondents completed each question and some rather than respond directly to the question used it as an opportunity to state a particular opinion of Driver CPC or road safety in general. There is no existing definition of ‘rural’ in criminal or road traffic law and definitions found elsewhere are used for statistical purposes, so further work would be required before this exception could be introduced. This is a bad and ridiculous idea. Another considered that ‘There should be specific wording relating to the vehicle being moved for the purpose of maintenance’. Question 14. Topical news, feature articles and compliance updates to keep you up to date with the industry's stories. The basic purpose of this long awaiting amendment is to amend the Code of Civil Procedure,... English Version of the CPC Amendment 2020. These proposed changes were additional to those made by EU Directive 2018/645. Footnotes. NFU(S) felt that any recording of driving should be proportionate and not impose an undue burden. endobj 4. We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Trainers (SMMT) did not, however, agree with the assessment. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: FTA expressed concern that the consultation coincided with restrictions arising from the coronavirus outbreak, which had prevented them from consulting with stakeholders in the usual way. 144 responses responded to this question with 82 being in favour. The larger organisations suggested various periods. The existing exemption for a vehicle undergoing road tests for mechanical, repair or maintenance purpose or the driver of a new or rebuilt vehicle which has not yet been put into service is not changed. Kathawalla, J., addressed the review petition against its own Judgment passed in the case of Axis Bank Ltd. v. Mira Gehani, 2019 SCC OnLine Bom 358 and held that, “Amendments introduced to CPC by the Commercial Courts Act are only applicable to Commercial Disputes of a Specified Value and not Commercial Disputes not of a Specified Value such as the present suit.” This publication is available at Training on modern vehicles was or limited use to organisations such as themselves. ALBUM believed this to be a proportionate approach. DVSA has indicated that it will next examine the continued use of distance learning in Driver CPC in September. They did not feel it was appropriate for section 19 and 22 holders to compete for business with “O” licensed operators when they were subject to lower safety standards. 108 people agreed with our proposal. FTA supported the proposal. FTA considered that, as this issue had a bearing on section 19 and 22 holders, an assessment should be made quickly and examples given. EHRC were not in favour as they felt that longer course approval periods meant that training content was less responsive to legislative changes. 6.2 Switzerland issues CPCs through a separate but equivalent regime. After carefully considering all the points made, and again seeking to support business and the agricultural sector, we do not consider that limiting the distances travelled to a pre-determined radius would be justified at the present time. NFU(S) were in favour provided there were sufficient safeguards regarding drivers’ identity with clear guidelines. This measure was, however, opposed by CPT. On 18 March 2020, DfT and DVSA published an online consultation on amendments to Driver CPC, which ran until 29 April 2020. They stressed the need for support for trainers during the transition and that remote trainers should not be disadvantaged, expressing concern about e-learning for communities with poor broadband; it was important there were alternatives. These Regulations may be cited as the Vehicle Drivers (Certificates of Professional Competence) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 and come into force on 22nd July 2020. NFU observed that this was required under drivers hours rules. Under current arrangements, training providers have scope to submit minor corrections and updates during the lifetime of the course approval, and approval can be withdrawn if it is no longer up to date. The matter should be the start & finish points, not the distance involved.’. DVSA will now consider practical ways that electronic enforcement could be introduced in the future. Eight of online respondents asked for their response to be treated as confidential. DVSA will accordingly publish updated advice on GOV.UK with new examples of non-commercial working and other exemptions, including the new ones in the consultation. FTA commented that driving and working time should both be recorded for relevant drivers. Deadline approaching for FTA Logistics Awards 2020 - don't miss out! Ministers have taken into consideration all the comments made. FTA believed that the current derogation should continue, CTA considered that there was insufficient information and Bus Users felt that there needed to be more consistency and commonality of regulation for all types of vehicles made heavier due to technology. Do you think we should explore the option of enforcing Driver CPC compliance from the electronic record? This consultation set out proposals to implement EU Directive 2018/645 EC in domestic law. Of those who agreed amongst the comments were ‘Yes I think that amendments to Annex 1 are correct.’ And ‘yes, better auditing of what is being delivered should be made compulsory, there is too much old information still being pumped out by some of the Driver CPC training providers.’ Of those who disagreed one stated, ‘I disagree with the allowance of 12 hours of e-learning to count towards the total of 35 hours of Periodic Training.’. The definition in drivers hours guidance offers a clarification which would seem to apply here. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. The National Assembly Standing Committee on Law and Justice had cleared the CPC Amendment Bill, 2019 on August 22 last year. They supported a consistent approach to the driving licence and Driver CPC and that both should be able to be checked electronically, with neither having to be carried at all times. For the sake of clarity, the amendments are presented in conjunction with the stage of litigation they correspond to.. Sl. By proceeding, you consent to their use. 1. The change was also supported by Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC), SMMT, ALBUM and Transport Museum Wythall who, along with FTA and FBHVC, felt that there should be clarity in the definition of “non-commercial”. JAK. National Council Code of Conduct. As a result, in May 2020, the Cyprus Commission for the Protection of Competition (‘'the CPC'') launched a public consultation on: (a) a proposed Law on the protection of competition of 2021 (‘'the proposed Law''), which shall replace the laws on the Protection of Competition of 2008 and 2014 (‘'the current Law''); and (2) It shall come into force on the first day of January, 1909. Of those that agreed one commented ‘Yes - incorporate into UK law. 129 responses were made to this question. “We will see how the training industry takes the option up, but we are pleased to see DVSA is looking for new ways of allowing delivery within the constraints of the Directive. However, there needed to be controls to ensure a full understanding or learning undertaken (for example questions during the course) and secure user identification processes. We consider that it is sensible to include in guidance a definition of this which is consistent with that used in other transport regulations. 150 responses were received to this question with 68 being in favour. They considered the training in animal welfare was compulsory and relevant to their role as drivers. [1]. If so what time period do you consider should be adopted? This report identifies comments only from respondents who have not requested confidentiality. Question 4. Question 10. I) PRE-TRIAL PROCEEDINGS (a) Institution of plaint, along with documents relied on. To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. ALBUM did not object, as long as course content was still relevant and current; some courses may only be relevant for one year but there should be nothing to stop courses having a longer validity. However, as advised in the previous point, the government has decided that a maximum radius should not be set. Most were in favour of a radius between 50km to 100km. ALBUM welcomed the use of ICT tools to improve the learning process but felt it important to ensure that appropriate means of control were in place to protect the integrity of the learning process. FTA, SMMT and John Lewis proposed 2 years, as did CPT with the possibility of one and two-year approval options. The pleadings that are filed can be in the plaint or written statements form. Amendments of pleadings mean that the application can be altered, modified, and changes in the original pleadings by the application to the courts can be made. These are contained in the guidance affecting passenger carrying vehicles, however, the can equally read across to goods vehicles. So, we would appreciate a reduction in the administrative burden if approvals of periodic training courses could be extended to at least 2 years, possibly 3 years.’, Of those who disagreed one stated ‘No, They should always be reviewed each year, courses should change to reflect what the industry requires.’. [153A. As a result, the Company wishes to have the option to take advantage of all the changes under the New CPC Policy that do not require shareholder approval, which became effective on January 1, 2021, including, but not limited to: The lawyers’ community strongly opposed these amendments and claimed that these amendments in the CPC, they have abolished one important forum of appeal against the judgment of a civil judge and instead of the district and sessions judge, the appeal had to be filed directly in High Court. The Freight Transport Association (FTA) had been seeking clarity on this issue, surrounding exemptions for section 19 and 22 permit holders, in view of advice that had been issued which had deviated from the previous understanding. FTA accepted the implementation of this. Bylaw for the Recognition of CPC Affiliated Organizations. We have looked at this issue closely and we feel that it would benefit the clarification of the exemption, for those who are likely to use it, to remove the “personal use” condition. Code of Conduct for Volunteers, EDA staff, and campaign staff. Question 6. We are grateful for comments on this proposal. Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Comments on this question included ‘Limit should be on hours driven per annum, with a maximum in any month.’ ‘Yes, stick to the other radius’s currently being utilised to make it less complicated.’ And Question 9. Is requiring drivers to hold their licences for a minimum period of time before they can drive a heavier vehicle than their licence entitlement would usually allow, a proportionate effective measure to ensure road safety? Short title, commencement and extent- (1) This Act may be cited as the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Under the New CPC Policy, the Company is permitted to implement certain other changes from the Former Policy without obtaining shareholder approval. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. No. FTA supported the continued application of the UK’s existing derogation and bus users considered that there needed to be more consistency and commonality of regulation for all types of vehicles made heavier due to technology. 174 responses were received to this question online with 126 agreeing with the proposal. Question 1. Of those who agreed one stated ‘Yes, consideration should be given to including the information on the tachograph card and including the license information on the same card, such that a professional driver is required to carry only a single card.’, Of those who disagreed one stated ‘No. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. TSX Venture Exchange Publication, "Capital Pool Company brochure" (2020). The Registration (Punjab Amendment) Act. NFU felt that driving by farming undertakings would be incidental in nature and the 30% limit of driving time would have the effect of limiting the distances travelled. They supported further flexibilities in minimum training delivery times. en Haag was zondag in de ban van de. Do you agree with our intention to incorporate this exemption into UK law? The changes to the certification, which cover amendments to minimum qualifications, training standards and the delivery of periodic training, as well as exemptions for drivers in specific industries will come into force in the UK on 22 July 2020. NFU(S), felt it would reduce administrative burden and associated cost. The full court approved the proposal to implement the amendments with effect from November 1, 2020. Entries now open for FTA’s Logistics Emissions Reduction Scheme Award 2020, Freeport vision could unlock trade opportunities but plans need clarity, says FTA, HGV testing exemptions will help keep the economy moving, Logistics UK response to the government’s road allocation plans, Statement from FTA: Border announcements are helpful, now get the deal done, Stop taxing to help us start training, says FTA, Testing plans need a resilient solution to support economic growth, says FTA, Keeps you informed of the latest industry developments. We envisage that most employers will establish an appropriate system for monitoring the driving time of their employees that make use of this exemption, in order to avoid committing offences under Regulation 10 (2) of the Driver CPC regulations. If not how should a rural area be defined and why? A number of the larger representative bodies were in favour of the change, which would provide clarification of the position. Bus users supported the use of e-learning, which was now commonplace and this arena should not be different. CTA considered that the phrase “personal use” should not have been used in the past to determine whether or not an exemption should apply, as they felt interpreting the wording as the phrase “carriage of passengers for personal use” was questionable. CPT and SMMT also agreed with the proposal. Bus users felt this would avoid passengers being stranded and, if this was not possible, supported the driver showing his licence at a police station within 7 days. 125 responses were received to this question with 83 agreeing with our proposal. KP govt prepares draft to repeal CPC amendments . SMMT suggested tachograph records as the best solution without adding an administrative burden. LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th Sep, 2020 ) :The Lahore High Court (LHC) Chief Justice Muhammad Qasim Khan has said that the implementation of the amendments in the Civil Procedural Code (CPC) will enable speedy decision of cases and avoid unnecessary delays and adjournments of cases.. 143 responses were received to this question with 90 of respondents agreeing with our proposal. Some would expect reciprocal recognition of UK Driver CPC in Switzerland and for the standards to be of an equal standard to that awarded in the UK. FTA welcomes Driver CPC amendments that recognise that every driver is different. Bylaw for the Recognition of Conservative Campus Organizations . Question 15. Do you mean before they can start to drive (provisionally) a heavier vehicle?’, ‘Yes. CPT and SMMT expressed support for the proposal. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. With COVID-19, Brexit, new technology and other disruptive forces driving change in the way goods move across borders and through the supply chain, logistics has never been more important to UK plc. CTA noted that this did not apply to PCV drivers; section 19 and 22 permit holders’ guidance would be unchanged. CPC Amendments [1] Omitted by Act No. They also felt that drivers should be offered Disability Assistance training as part of their Driver CPC. Rules and Procedures for the Conduct of National Council Business 2020. CTA considered that the current arrangements were working satisfactorily, they were unaware of significant issues affecting the community transport sector and that domestic legislation was broadly in line the Directive. They felt that enforcement should be by investigation and it would be useful if DVSA provided guidance for operators and drivers on recording where this definition is used. However, there was concern about the continued life of the derogation. FTA welcomes Driver CPC amendments that recognise that every driver is different, Commission’s report downplays freight’s lifeline for Wales, says FTA. After taking all views into account the government has decided to retain our current arrangements which are intended to facilitate the movement of an empty vehicle between maintenance sites for purposes such as cleaning, refuelling or in preparation to be put into service. On the 8th of March the bri…, © Copyright 2008-2021 Logistics UK (a trading name of FTA), Logistics UK is a trading name of Freight Transport Association Limited, Registered Office - Hermes House, St John’s Road Tunbridge Wells Kent TN4 9UZ, To give you the best experience, our website uses cookies. They considered that vehicles would need to be tested loaded, and returning to the original domestic legislation would not allow this and to retain the current exemption for maintenance personnel. Transport Museum Wythall felt, along with similar representative bodies, that driving and maintaining historic vehicles required different skills compared with modern vehicles, with their high dependency on technological systems. “ this is the biggest change in delivery of Driver CPC since its inception in,. The possibility of one and two-year approval options compulsory and relevant to role... Between 50km to 100km of clarity, the government has decided that a period... Opposed ; the training did not apply to PCV drivers ; section 19 and 22 holders. Amendments with effect from November 1, 2020 understanding the law as best! 93, for ease and practical purposes, extending the e-learning period to 14 hours rather 12! All the comments made, in view of the CPC Scheme, definitions, or Concordance this was! And hoped this would allow a move to a large extent Pool Company brochure '' ( 2020 ) for... 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