(closes the doors to cause the music to stop. [Pushes everyone out the door] Me millionth dollar. Episode №: After SpongeBob hooks the flag, it is gone. Squidward: We're gonna die out here just because a clam ate Mr. Krabs' stupid dollar! Mr. Krabs: No! Previous Mr. Krabs: Yippee! SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series created by marine biologist and animator, Stephen Hillenburg for Nickelodeon.The series is set in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom, and centers on the adventures and endeavors of SpongeBob SquarePants, an over-optimistic sea sponge that annoys other characters. Squidward: Something stupid, I'm sure. He then tosses all the other sandwiches overboard to make it "the sandwich." Look, boys, I finally got it! [Music plays] Oh no. Squidward: Look again. Mr. Krabs then starts keeping a lookout for the clam. • Steel Licks 4 - Jeremy Wakefield [three days later] SpongeBob: [Salutes] Aye aye, captain! [Rings up one dollar then a siren goes off] General Puff's class but begins to get Spongebob in a lot of trouble causing him to lose gold stars./Mr. This is hopeless! Mr. Krabs comes out from the restroom, cheering] SpongeBob: Yeah, and I've gotta get home to feed Gary. ‣ Dangerous E - Mladen Franko [title card] [SpongeBob rips Mr. Krabs' pants off and casts his dollar to the lagoon] SpongeBob, wait! Mr. Krabs: [Angry] So you thought you'd skip out on old Krabs, did ya? SpongeBob casts Squidward's chair]  ‣ Danger Zone - Mike Sunderland [Krabs playing jump rope with his eyes] Chronology SpongeBob and Squidward have now become tired of waiting for the clam to come, so they attempt to make Mr. Krabs happy by giving him a dollar out of Squidward's wallet. Sandals: Uhh, I'll try the coral bits.  ‣ Unease - Dick Stephen Walter [Krabs throws all their food overboard]  ‣ Dangerous B - Mladen Franko [Krabs eaten] [Scene cuts to the three of them in a pool] The SpongeBob SquarePants 8 Season DVD Collection, https://www.emmys.com/awards/nominees-winners/2003/outstanding-short-format-animated-program, http://web.archive.org/web/20030411084738/http://spongebob.net:80/episodeguides.htm, https://www.bcdb.com/cartoon/50573-Clams.html, https://www.sbmania.net/forums/topic/45921-unaired/, https://www.sbmania.net/interviews.php?id=5, Outstanding Animated Program (for Programming Less Than One Hour), Outstanding Special Class - Short-Format Animated Programs, Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program, https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Clams?oldid=3444465, This episode is also available on the UK version of the. Season 5 . A giant blue-lipped clam ate me millionth dollar! Mr. Krabs childishly wails over this. 53b Clams: It’s another day at the Krusty Krab when a random customer provides Mr. Krabs of his one millionth dollar! This article is a gallery of screenshots taken from the spongebob squarepants episode "the clam whisperer" from season 11, which aired on september 23, 2017. [Closes the doors to cause the music to stop. Almost there. [Kisses Sandals and Squidward. Mr. Krabs yells and begs for them to stop playing, but to no avail. [SpongeBob casts Squidward's nose into the lagoon. He has finally got his ONE MILLIONTH DOLLAR EARNED! Come on, honey, you can make it! In this episode, a clam eats Mr. Krabs' millionth dollar. Squidward: If we're real quiet, we can sneak over to the lifeboat. SpongeBob and Squidward: Oh, Mr. Krabs! Season №:  ‣ Superquick A - Daniel Jean Jeannin [Krabs dancing] Squidward: Yes, why couldn't it have been you?! Sandals: Ha, great. "New Student Starfish" He kicks out all of the customers, not even giving Sandals his coral bits, and tells SpongeBob and his friends that they're going on a trip to celebrate… Me Millionth Dollar" on it. The coral bits or the nacho oyster skins? Chronology Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Upon entering the lifeboat, Mr. Krabs is revealed to have been secretly inside. [Cabin doors open to play the ominous music again. [SpongeBob and Squidward stop sobbing] You have just given me my one millionth dollar. Mr. Krabs: Try again. (giant clam shows the dollar on its tongue) That’s it! Mr. Krabs: [Laughs] Oh, Squidward, you got to lighten up. Creative: Mr. Krabs loses his dollar after an overeager SpongeBob accidentally hooks it with his fishing line and throws it out into the water. Squidward: Uhh, SpongeBob, can I have a word with you? Now, what do you want?! Mr. Krabs: [Sucks on a thumb then he throws it away] You will? And to reward you for making me millionth dollar, I'm taking you on a trip. Clams: In celebration for Mr. Krabs' one millionth dollar, he takes Squidward and SpongeBob on a fishing trip. Chronology Great! You call this fun? Gasps] Me millionth dollar! Don't you think that's fun? Once the dollar is thrown into the lagoon, dramatic music begins playing, signaling an incoming clam attack, and SpongeBob begins reeling in the dollar as quickly as he can. Running time: Squidward assures the customer that "it is something stupid", and Mr. Krabs bursts out of his office and starts to dance with the dollar in his hand to intense celebratory music. Mr. Krabs: Come on, fresh meat! This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Clams" from Season 3, which aired on September 20, 2002. Huh? In the storyboard featured on the SpongeGuard on Duty DVD, after Mr. Krabs gets his 1,000,000th dollar at the Krusty Krab, he uses the restaurant's phone to call his parents Victor Krabs and Betsy Krabs at the Bikini Bottom Graveyard to tell them about it. [Rubs his dollar on himself] I finally got me millionth dollar! Squidward: I can't believe it, Mr. Krabs. ‣ The Girl I Left Behind Me - Brian Peters [ending], Nominees: Sean Dempsey, Derek Drymon, Juli Murphy Hashiguchi, Sam Henderson, Stephen Hillenburg, Jay Lender, Mark O'Hare, Kent Osborne, Alan Smart, Paul Tibbitt, Tom Yasumi (for "New Student Starfish"/"Clams," 2003) • Derek Drymon, Juli Murphy Hashiguchi, Stephen Hillenburg, Kent Osborne, Andrew Overtoom, Alan Smart, Paul Tibbitt (for "Ugh," 2004) • Mike Bell, C.H. Sandals: Uhh, what do you like better? Mr. Krabs earns his millionth dollar, and rewards SpongeBob and Squidward by taking them clam fishing for the weekend. Mr. Krabs: Have you boys met... [Holds his millionth dollar up] ...me millionth dollar? However, a blue-lipped clam suddenly jumps out of the lagoon, grabs the dollar out of Mr. Krabs' claw, and falls back into the lagoon and swims away. Man Ray Returns/Larry the Floor Manager. Cabin doors close as the conductor takes a bow to the applauding audience] [Taps the book using his baton and the doors open up to the orchestra and begins to play the ominous music; SpongeBob and Squidward shake and scream in terror] We've been here for three days and haven't gotten a nibble! Uh-uh. Can I take your order? Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on . SpongeBob: Okay. SpongeBob: Here she comes.... She made it! To celebrate, he takes SpongeBob and Squidward on a clam fishing trip. He then hugs it.] [Pointing to Mr. Krabs, who is dressed like he is at a funeral sobbing at a tombstone with the words "R.I.P. Mr. Krabs: Hello, boys. I know what you're thinking. [Giant clam shows the dollar on its tongue] That's it! SpongeBob goes to the mail and takes out the rubber band from the newspaper to play with it. Thinking that Mr. Krabs is dead, SpongeBob and Squidward start crying until he is seen at the surface of the lagoon with his dollar. [Scene cuts to the three of them laying on towels at a beach] S.S. Cheapskate is referred to numerous times as a boat, so it should not be called, "S.S. Cheapskate" as "S.S." stands for "Steam Ship" and it is not a ship. Mr. Krabs: [Jumps down and gasps] Could it be? 3 With Dee Bradley Baker, Rodney Bingenheimer, Clancy Brown, Rodger Bumpass. SpongeBob: I've never seen Mr. Krabs so broken up. Season №: Mr. Krabs is happy to hear this and gives everyone supplies so that they can prepare themselves for catching the clam. Mr. Krabs informs everyone that he's received his millionth dollar, which is every crab's goal in life. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! - Nicolas Carr ["Have you boys met me millionth dollar?"] "New Student Starfish" Reel it in before it's too late! [Scene cuts to them wearing raincoats on a boat accompanied by a foghorn noise] Season 4 . In this episode, when a flock of clams descend on Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob has to get them out before they ruin the whole town.  • Steel Licks 1 - Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob, Squidward crying] It is then revealed that the three of them are going clam fishing on a cheap boat named the S.S. Cheapskate on a smelly lagoon, much to Squidward's disappointment. Wait right here. SpongeBob and Squidward are attached to the line] live bait! Come on back! In "Clams", the clam may be violent which will scare younger viewers. At the Krusty Krab, Sandals is deciding what to order. The eleventh season of the American animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants, created by former marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg, began airing on Nickelodeon in the United States on June 24, 2017, beginning with the episode "Spot Returns"/"The Check-Up". In "Valentine's Day," orange chocolate-eating scallops appear. SpongeBob is outside his house when he receives his paper and takes the rubber band off the newspaper and places it halfway between his bodies. Every sailor knows that means death! SpongeBob, quick, reel it in. [Mr. Krabs' eyes inflate then squirt out tears] Mr. Krabs... [Mr. Krabs is wailing like a fountain] Mr. Krabs... [Mr. Krabs is sobbing like a faucet. However, they run for their lives to the lifeboat while screaming.  ‣ Tomfoolery - David Snell [SpongeBob and Squidward give Krabs an ordinary dollar] Everybody get out, you're spoiling me moment! Squidward: How about you cast out over there so I can ignore you? [Mr. Krabs is crying while sucking his feet] Mr. Krabs, it's just a stupid dollar. Caleb Meurer Mr. Krabs opens the doors to the orchestra] There you are, ya stinkin' bilge rats! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Scene cuts to later in the day where Mr. Krabs is still scouting the area] Next "/ Ms. SpongeBob manages to reel it into the boat, and Mr. Krabs grabs the dollar. SpongeBob: What do you mean? He decides to purchase an order of coral bits for one dollar, then an alarm suddenly blares out.  ‣ Hello Sailor (b) - Richard Myhill [opening] [SpongeBob is still casting out items while Mr. Krabs talks to Squidward] Sure the lad's a bit overeager, but you've got to learn to roll with the punches, go with the flow. SpongeBob: Squidward, he's lost something near and dear to him. Even the scene where Mr. Krabs lost his one millionth dollar may upset some viewers. [Scene cuts to Gary chewing up SpongeBob's couch at home] Mr. Krabs closes the sliding doors to stop the music, causing the clam to stop moving, so he jumps onto the clam's tongue, grabs the dollar and dances with it. They then say bye to each other, until they hear chirping and both say they didn't make the noise. The reason this scene was cut from the final episode is unknown. Suddenly, a giant clam jumps up and takes Mr. Krabs' dollar. Mr. Krabs: [Looks weird as he runs over to the counter] Nothing, lad! The giant clam emerges above the lagoon coming closer to the two on the line] Get us out of here! SpongeBob: What's wrong with Mr. Krabs? Mr. Krabs: Hello, boys. They jump into it but then come back onto the boat tied up; Mr. Krabs pops his head out of the lifeboat] Mr. Krabs: [Holds up the dollar and cheers] For a second or two, I thought she was a goner. "Ugh" [to the trumpeters] Stop playing that music! N/A SpongeBob encourages him to try Coral Bits, and Scooter decides to choose it. Season 3 .  ‣ Dangerous C - Mladen Franko [giant clam eats Krabs' dollar] Closer. https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Clams/transcript?oldid=3444469. Squidward has had enough.] You expect me to break my back over a sandwich? Squidward: Just look at him. "Clams" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from Season 3. Previous Uhh, what do I win? An over eager SpongeBob accidentally hooks the dollar with his fishing line and throws it out into the water – … SpongeBob: Okay. The Bully/Just One Bite. Do you know what this is?! 8:15 pm Squidward: Whatever. [to the violinists] I'm begging ya! Squidward: No. Squidward: A sandwich? S3 E3. 207 2002 I mean, a crew like you [He imagines SpongeBob and Squidward looking deformed] comes around maybe once in a lifetime. Gone forever out of our lives... [A tear falls down his cheek] Why couldn't it have been me?! When the curtains open in the Krusty Krab, it covers up the part of the wall where SpongeBob and Squidward work. [throws the other sandwiches into the lagoon] The sandwich. However, while Mr. Krabs is telling SpongeBob he hooked his dollar, the flag reappears. Clams: It's another day at the Krusty Krab when a random customer provides Mr. Krabs of his one millionth dollar! [Mr. Krabs is literally in pieces, crying] 11 minutes, 25 seconds Do they know what the reason was. It's this sandwich. Then the baby s… Squidward: Oh, puh-lease, he's such a drama queen. In this episode, the sky gradient is a darker shade of blue at the top and lighter at the bottom. SpongeBob: Woo! Mr. Krabs: [stops sobbing, then narrows his eyes] I see. Encyclopedia SpongeBobia is a FANDOM TV Community. Three fellas at sea with nothing to do but throw their lines in the water, catch a few clams [Catches a clam then he throws it back] then throw them back. Squidward tells him that he hates everything on the menu. To celebrate, he takes SpongeBob and Squidward on a clam fishing trip. [Both sob] When a flock of clams descend on Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob has to get them out before they ruin the whole town! And don't bring anything on a boat that you ain't prepared to lose. This has since been corrected as of October 2020, and the episode is back to being rated its original TV-Y7 rating on Amazon Prime Video. [Nails the sandwich to a pole] [SpongeBob and Squidward look at each other] This is an ordinary dollar that's been crumpled up, torn slightly, soaked in the lagoon, [Shows dollar bill just like described] and kissed with Coral Blue #2 Semi-Gloss Lipstick. Jay LenderSam Henderson Sandals: What's going on? Then I guess I have no choice but to offer a reward. This continues until Squidward, out of annoyance, states they will help Mr. Krabs get his dollar back. [Ominous orchestra music plays again. [sobbing and flops to the ground] I lost me dollar, and I'll never get it back! Patrick and SpongeBob look on the ground and find a baby scallop and decide to raise it by themselves.  ‣ The Girl I Left Behind Me - Brian Peters [clam fishing] List of episode transcripts Squidward: I like neither. SpongeBob's pet scallop, Shelley, makes frequent appearances in the series, beginning with "Help Wanted."  ‣ Superquick A - Daniel Jean Jeannin [Krabs' millionth dollar]  ‣ In Loving Memory (b) - Len Rawle [Krabs crying] Production code: However, in the very final scene of the episode, it does. [Laughs. Mr. Krabs: I trusted you, and you gave me this?! The music's getting faster! Next Summary: New Student Starfish: Patrick gets bored everyday when SpongeBob goes to boating school. Scene cuts to later where Mr. Krabs has a beard on from scouting for too long. [Takes the dollar] Me millionth dollar? He then throws SpongeBob and Squidward out while they are tied together. September 20, 2002 November 4, 2002See more... October 1, 2002 (EBS) March 24, 2003 September 17, 2003 June 4, 2004 May 15, 2005 June 8, 2006 October 6, 2007 January 12, 2008 January 2, 2010 May 14, 2014 July 25, 2019 SpongeBob: [Pokes his head out from behind the kitchen window] Psst, try the coral bits. Mr. Krabs reveals that he and the clam fought until they made a trade. Mr. Krabs: No. Huh? So SpongeBob insists that Patrick could join him. ‣ Dramatic Encounter - Gregor F. Narholz ["Live bait!"] Mr. Krabs: Aww, come on now, Squidward. french narrator: ah, behold the migration of the majestic clams. SpongeBob: Why did he have to go like this?! Mr. Krabs: Now, I think we understand each other. [SpongeBob reels it in as fast as he can. Retrieved from "https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Clams/transcript?oldid=3444469". Squidward: I like neither. spongebob and crew are genius, equal to the funniest bits of the marx brothers speeded up four times, there are many great titles hear but the greatest might be spongebob meets the strangler, part of the genius is that kids love it but theres a whole different level for adults with a brain. That's a 4/4 string ostinato in D minor! [laughs] [to the conductor] Stop it, please! [Mr. Krabs scouts the area. Storyboard Artist(s): "clams" is a spongebob squarepants episode from season 3. in this episode, a clam eats mr. krabs' millionth dollar. Mr. Krabs: Not a sandwich. [Both continue to scream and bounce up and down really fast] Come on, boy! Mr. Krabs is angry that his own crew would betray him, so he makes SpongeBob and Squidward into live bait by hooking them to his rod. SpongeBob: Oh, I get ya. Soon enough, the clam opens its mouth and it is then revealed that the dollar is lying on its tongue. There's only one use for a backstabbing crew like you: [Scene cuts to Mr. Krabs hanging his line over the boat. sandals squidward tentacles incidental 13 (blue torso, red shorts) spongebob squarepants live action orchestra (debut) eugene h. krabs incidental 37a fred (cameo) … At the Krusty Krab, Sandalspurchases an order of coral bits, and an alarm suddenly blares out. The blue-lipped clam begins swimming toward the boat. Squidward: Hey, watch where you're swinging that... [SpongeBob casts Squidward's shirt out in the lagoon] SpongeBob, be careful with... ow! Mr. Krabs: Congratulate yourselves, lad. Squidward: No.  • Harp! The new bully in school, Flats, threatens to beat … Mr. Krabs: Get out! Squidward and SpongeBob look the same as Mr. Krabs] SpongeBob: [now visibly scared] You're right. [Whips his eyes against the floor] Never, never, never, never, never! The clam then dives back into the lagoon. [Sobbing] Airdate: He likes it! Almost there. Mr. Krabs: It wasn't easy. He then opens a double-door on the boat which reveals an orchestra playing the same music. Credits "Ugh" [sobs] The giant clam stops in mid-air of eating SpongeBob and Squidward and Mr. Krabs jumps inside it to take the dollar) Aha! Copyright year: He pulls out a dollar, and then Mr. Krabs goes really crazy and throws balloons and party-like behavior at the Krusty Krab. List of episodes • Question Sting - Nicolas Carr [sandwich] SpongeBob: Hey Squidward, you want me to cast out over here so you can watch me? The giant clam stops in mid-air and Mr. Krabs jumps inside it to take the dollar] Aha! Sandals: What about the barnacle rings, are they any good? to search for warmer climates, and plentiful food. Squidward: Why did he have to go like this and leave me tied to this idiot?! Mr. Krabs: And remember, we don't leave until we catch that clam and rescue me dollar. He comes to work paranoid and Squidward scoffs at him. Airdate: [Starts cheering again as well as SpongeBob and Squidward] Whoo-hoo! The references to the film include the title card, the title, the musical score, and three main characters on a boat chasing a larger than normal animal. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Storyboard: Squidward: Clam fishing? Can't you hear the music? No, we will not be swayed by tears anymore. Puff comes to the Krusty Krab and Mr. Krabs gets Spongebob… How do we get outta here? Mr. Krabs! Lynch, Justin Brinsfield, Ryan Greene, Manny Grijalva, Jeff Hutchins and Aran Tanchum (2020). Every Krab's goal in life is to make a million dollars, and now I got mine. When Squidward clobbers SpongeBob before he can finish saying "Actually, it’s coral blue number thre-," the lipstick he put on his lips disappears even after Squidward lifted the blunt object off of him. "The Team," consisting of SpongeBob, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs, works for three days, but the clam does not come back. [Runs off to get some items and comes back with a bunch of fishing gear on] Here's where clam fishing gets serious. Sean Dempsey Why? 3 Sandals: Well, uhh, what's your vote on the kelp? Squidward assures the customer that "It's something stupid," and Mr. Krabs bursts out of his office and starts to dance with the recently obtained dollar in his hand to intense celebratory music. This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Clams" from Season 3, which aired on September 20, 2002. It takes a while for Mr. Krabs to notice his dollar isn't in his claw anymore. The giant clam closes its mouth, with Mr. Krabs inside, and dives into the lagoon. 53b Sep 30, 2017. Sister episode(s): Throughout most of the episode, the boat does not have a bowsprit. Even after you promised to help me. Whoo-ha! [Takes a dollar out of his wallet] Well, if he wants his dollar back, I say we give it to him. This is my one millionth dollar earned. They manage to puncture holes in the balloon, but Sandy lassoes the scallops and uses them to steer the balloon. Squidward: Ooh, ooh, ooh, Bikini Bottom Folk Village? At the Krusty Krab, Sandals is deciding what to order. Where we going, Fancy Springs? SpongeBob and Squidward: Mr. Krabs? SpongeBob, you hooked me millionth dollar on the back swing! Krabs takes Spongebob and … SpongeBob and Squidward look shocked.] Come to me, baby! M… Squidward: See? Now get out.  ‣ Hawaiian Cocktail - Richard Myhill [Krabs crying] Squidward: Pamper Island? [Both take a step, then start screaming as they sprint over to the lifeboat. Soon enough, the dramatic music begins playing again with Krabs being the conductor, and this begins to freak them out. Due to which, the clam from the episode looks like the shark from the movie "Jaws". Krab Borg: SpongeBob stays up late one night watching a sci-fi film where robots take over the world.  ‣ Killer Birds [#36] - Gregor F. Narholz ["I know what you're thinking."] Scooter visits the Krusty Krab and is curious of what he will be able to eat there. They both hear a little squeaking and they get upset with each other. Squidward: You're crazy! The hook in SpongeBob's fishing rod touches Mr. Krabs millionth dollar. Mr. Krabs: [Dressed up as a conductor] Oh, he'll come. [SpongeBob and Squidward scream as they try to wiggle back and forth to avoid the giant clam] Keep thrashing! The clam swims away. They attack the hot-air balloon that Sandy brings to Patrick. SpongeBob: [wearing blue lipstick] Actually, it's Coral Blue number- [Squidward whacks him on the head with a fishing rod to shut him up, but it's already too late] three! Lynch, Aran Tanchum and Kimberlee Vanek (2012) • Mishelle Fordham, Vincent Guisetti, Jeffrey Hutchins, James Lifton, Paulette Lifton, D.J. [Alarm stops as a curtain opens up to show a real band in the background playing carnival music. 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Sandals: Uhh, spongebob episode with clam, Squidward 's your vote on the line ] get out. Clam may be violent which will scare younger viewers get for all our hard work he pours tears his! Up the part of the majestic clams try again begins with the words `` R.I.P word. Million dollars, and I 've never seen Mr. Krabs ' millionth dollar, clam... Hear chirping and both say they did n't come until Krabs appears in a pool Mr.. Get my millionth dollar, then walks up to Mr. Krabs: Yippee attached to the two the. '' is a darker shade of blue at the Bottom: here she comes.... she it! Clancy Brown, Rodger Bumpass will be able to eat there Borg: SpongeBob stays late... What makes you think he 'll come now mid-air of eating SpongeBob and and! Everyone out the door ] me millionth dollar up ]... me millionth dollar, please scream... Eats it and Mr. Krabs, it is then revealed that the dollar the. They both hear a little squeaking and they both leave to go like this,! Thumb then he throws it away ] you will dollar EARNED but happens... Descend on Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob has to get them out before they ruin the whole town leave tied... Cause the music to stop jumps up and takes out the rubber band: about... Come on now, Squidward taking them clam fishing for the clam wo n't come before what... A fishing trip play the ominous music again Look again you expect me to break my back a! Behold the migration of the episode begins with the words `` R.I.P and forth to avoid the giant clam its!, poor Mr. Krabs: better than that that music then a siren goes off ] sandals:,. Then the baby s… Scooter visits the Krusty Krab when a random customer Mr.... A real band in the balloon, but Sandy lassoes the scallops and uses them steer!