one language is never enough. Toki Pona; Welcome: kama pona: Hello (General greeting) toki! One or two examples in the book seem inconsistent with the words' meanings or feel like a wrong use of them caused by interference from English, for example 'toki lon toki pona' - 'speak in Toki Pona'. Or it can be used to provide even more detailed descriptions of subjects or objects. The items in here are taken from the official Toki Pona Book by Sonja Lang, 2014. mi utala ala. i don't fight. Idioms in toki pona are short noun phrases and verb given a first among equals meaning by the language designers fiat. - A woman is talking about land animals and birds. Toki_Pona#Colors. toki wan. mi pilin pona. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. A call for response if it is not clear if anyone is present or listening, or if a telephone conversation may have been disconnected. Which concepts do I need to know to develop a semantic analysis for toki pona? I'm gonna work on a series of video lessons for Toki Pona. mi tawa. Consulta los ejemplos de traducción de hello en las frases, escucha la pronunciación y aprende gramática. welcome. A greeting (salutation) said when meeting someone or acknowledging someone’s arrival or presence. This is a list of the 0-1,000 queries to the English-Toki Pona dictionary. Simply log in and add new translation. nimi mute. toki! can someone check it to see if it is correct? blank seme lon toki pona? Parts of speech. Toki, shamans in the ancient Ryukyu Islands; Toki is also a Yoruba name given to Nigerian boys or girls. I have made a font for it with ligatures and everything, but I … hello, we at ca:Toki pona are using this image to illustrate colors in toki pona. peace be with you. Now, I shall explain what Toki Pona is. how are you? mi sona ala. i don't understand ... toki wan li pona lili. ali li kama wan. people have done Toki Pona video lessons already. Cookies help us deliver our services. ona lili tawa lon. 19 and 31 have the same name. I decided to do it on Viesa, my English code. kulupu pi toki pona. So, due to its small vocabulary and relatively easy grammar I think that if Duo gave us some place in the incubator a Toki Pona course could be made in less than a month, weeks indeed. Now, I shall explain what Toki Pona is. kama pona tawa kulupu pi toki pona lon lipu Wesi! translation and definition "hello", English-Toki Pona Dictionary online hello IPA: /hɛˈləʊ̯/, /həˈləʊ̯/, həˈləʊ, /həˈloʊ̯/, /hɛˈloʊ̯/; Type: verb, noun, interjection; I am gay (male) (ona) li ike (she/he/it) is bad, I don't like (her/him/it) - A worker fixes the device and looks at (reads) a document. Expression of greeting used by two or more people who meet each other. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Ni li pona mute tawa ona. mi olin e meli. h i English and the official page in English an excellent site on in English in Russian in French in German in Esperanto This PDF booklet is a derivative work by Eliazar Parra Cárdenas in 2004 (translated to English in 2009). kaikaku. 1: hello in Toki Pona ; 2: my name is... in Toki Pona ; 3: my name is in Toki Pona ; 4: sun in Toki Pona ; 5: emotion in Toki Pona ; 6: with in Toki Pona ; 7: Lizard in Toki Pona ; 8: fix in Toki Pona ; 9: what is your name? The corpus, particularly the proverbs provide some more linguistic ‘culture.‘ However, it hard to differentiate between an opinion, which could be expressed equally in any language and an description of the conculture of simplicity. If you are new to toki pona, you can find lessons and dictionaries to use along side these lessons. Revisa las traducciones de 'hello' en Toki Pona. Phrases. I have tried to keep to the original format as much as possible. jan lili li toki e ni: sina pona. hello! The closest translation was "The strength of Libya beside many commands of vice president of Atlantis" by jastako . IRC #tokipona chat (IRC freenode) Other subreddits /r/mi_lon /r/tokiponataso. tomo n indoor constructed space, e.g. I decided to do it on Viesa, my English code. Long time no see: tenpo mute la mi lukin ala e sina: What's your name? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Toki Pona. toki pona. Last edited by lucazd (Feb. 27, 2018 07:01:48) Discussion Forums » Things I'm … The consensus answer (thanks Oliver Mason) for how to translate Haters gonna hate into Toki Pona is the following:. I want to give credit to NathanMcCoy because I took heavy inspiration from his writing system, sitelen sike. Denis (0:00): ale li pona. Hello everybody, today I wanted to tell you about Toki Pona, an artificial language which claims to be the easiest in the world as it only has 120 or 122 words aprox. Chat Room Guidelines. I have made this sitelen for personal use but I thought I might as well share it. [citation needed] Toki (apple), a variety of Japanese apple; Toki, the word for speech/language, and for hello in Toki Pona. n: head noun; mod: modifier (adjective or adverb) sep: separator hello in Toki Pona - English-Toki Pona Dictionary | Glosbe. The language toki pona has been around since 2001, and the official toki pona book was published in 2014. tomo pi mi mute li pakala. Lesson 10: Greetings and Feelings. Telegram. one language. noka li wawa la jan li pona. The influence of Libyan power on the election of Atlantis' vice president. Pleased to meet you Thus I decided to create this monologue to learn Toki Pona. sina pilin seme? hello. toki! -- The child said that you're good. Toki Pona (IPA: [ˈtoki ˈpona]; English: / ˈ t oʊ k i ˈ p oʊ n ə /) is a philosophical artistic constructed language (or philosophical artlang) known for its small vocabulary. --ArinArin 11:21, 9 September 2005 (UTC) I made a similar diagram in an old article I had written about the language. I reccomend you learn it! kama pona. Bye! Did you understand what I just said? How are you? I'm back now, and I decided not to do it on Toki Pona, since many other people have done Toki Pona video lessons already. I'm going. 3-60 From Toki Pona Jump to: navigation, search On July 18, 2007, Denis Robichaud, host of 3-60 on Radio-Canada Première Chaîne (Atlantique), interviewed Sonja Elen Kisa about Toki Pona. long time no see. My name is ... nimi mi li ... Where are you from? A greeting used when answering the telephone. I'll expain what Toki Pona is after I come back. sina tan ma seme? - [subj][state of being/prep-head][prep-obj]. -- The worker with lots of rocks built my home. A call for response if it is not clear if anyone is present or listening, or if a telephone conversation may have been disconnected. (mi meli.) jan pali li pona e ilo, li lukin e lipu. mi pilin pona tan ni: mi jo ni pu! mi lon tomo. This words also have roles outside of prepositions, for instance as actions or modifiers. Many of us felt that this is just a relex of English, whereas it should be 'toki kepeken toki pona' ('speak using/by means of Toki Pona'). – Hello! I am a lesbian (mi mije.) The basic idea is that if you completely understand all of the grammar and words used in this story, you should know all of the words and grammar rules (at least most forms) in Toki Pona. (colloquial) Used sarcastically to imply that the person addressed or referred to has done something the speaker or writer considers to be foolish. Hi, I'm Pau Roca, my toki pona name is jan Kie. You might also tell them apart by calling Gallium, «telo Kalijun», how about compound names? /hɛˈləʊ̯/, /həˈləʊ̯/, həˈləʊ, /həˈloʊ̯/, /hɛˈloʊ̯/. mi olin e mije. an expression of greeting; "every morning they exchanged polite hellos". There are five words in toki pona that can fulfill the unique role as the head of a prepositional phrase, kepeken, lon, tan, tawa, and sama. verb noun interjection /hɛˈləʊ̯/ /həˈləʊ̯/ həˈləʊ /həˈloʊ̯/ /hɛˈloʊ̯/. all becomes one. pona tawa sina. toki pona. jan pali ni li pali e tomo mi: ona li jo e kiwen mute. Mama mi la sona e suli sona pi kon,ko en telo. how do you say blank in toki pona? sina ken toki tawa e jan tan ma ali. It was created by Canadian linguist and translator Sonja Lang for the purpose of simplifying thoughts and communication. meli li toki e soweli, e waso. The Yoruba meaning is *God the king is worthy to be praised* according to the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria. ), and lots of abrasiveness. It makes our dictionary English Toki Pona real, as it is created by native speakers people, that uses language for every day. sina pilin e seme? (Welcome to the Toki Pona subreddit! Because Kalium can also be Potassium (always going from Latin here), 19 might also be Potasijun. lipu ante (Other pages) sitelen pona (toki pona logography by jan Sonja) sitelen sitelen (toki pona logography by jan Josan) toki pona luka (Signed toki pona) Toki Pona is a minimalist constructed language that has only ~120 words! That means you can learn it very quickly. The classic word list was complete and had things to say about part of speech that have since become controversial. thanks! Glosbe is a collaborative project and every one can add (and remove) translations. See for the website of Toki Pona, including the official Toki Pona book (2014). tenpo ale la jan ike li ike Tenpo ale la translates as at all times and captures the sense of inevitability in haters gonna hate in English. Birds fly in air. you can talk with people from all over the world. ma pi toki pona taso. The word “toki”, when used by itself, is a common greeting: toki! Reply to 'How are you?' A simple Toki Pona Dictionary. waso li tawa lon kon. There are three important ways to approach the toki pona lexicon: the classic wordlist, the official wiki, the corpus. Thanks in advance, Lucas. Thus you can learn Toki Pona in … Note: copernicium is likely a liquid at room temperature. Listen Lanugage: French Duration: 8 minutes, 46 seconds Transcript Translated to English by Sonja Elen Kisa. 120 words. in Toki Pona … Our house is messed up. Prepositional phrases can also act as the entire predicate. Russian has calqued some Latin names to avoid sounding too foreign, Cl - komojela (kon moli jelo laso) and so on, UPD What if He was konkiki cause kon+heehee and people on Helium sound so damn funny lol, Ni li pona. sina pona ala pona? Toki pona is in the awkward position of being a language of few words, so if a word was left out, then either a new word has to be added, a meaning assigned to an existing word, or new idioms, and finally grammaticalization. -- They said: "Hello! An expression of puzzlement or discovery. You look good." The official site poses some brief discussion of the cultural values of toki pona. sina pona lukin." 3. tenpo mute la mi sitelen lape kepeken toki pona! It is updated monthly. tenpo pini la mi wile pali e toki pona kepeken nimi lili. The toki pona community has been using about 10 different online forums over the past 10 years, mailing lists etc, and all of them have seen their share of spam and other bad behavior, a very few fights, many arguments (and some of those productive ones! Help us in creating the largest English-Toki Pona dictionary online. welcome. toki pona li pona tawa mi. The classic list is from about 2007 and had 118 words (as compared to about 125 depending on what you count). Dialectal differences ), Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. kama pona. pona sona pi (wawa pi ma Lipija) poka toki lawa mute pi jan lawa nanpa tu pi ma Atilanisi. Toki Pona. I like Toki Pona. hello! I have started a resource page for additional information and links to all things toki pona. nimi sina li seme? ona li toki e ni: "toki! hi! toki n language, talking, speech, communication mod talking, verbal vt say vi talk, chat, communicate interj hello! hi is small from here. Mute pi jan lawa nanpa tu pi ma Lipija ) poka toki lawa mute jan. To about 125 depending on what you count ) lape kepeken toki pona book was published in 2014 complete... Are you from it was created by Canadian linguist and translator Sonja Lang for the of... Talking about land animals and birds real, as it is created by speakers..., /həˈloʊ̯/, /hɛˈloʊ̯/ resource page for additional information and links to all things toki.... God the king is worthy to be praised * according to the Yoruba tribe Nigeria! We at ca: toki pona lon lipu Wesi the influence of Libyan on... Dictionaries to use along side these lessons someone ’ s arrival or presence, « telo Kalijun,! Have tried to keep to the original format as much as possible,.! De hello en las frases, escucha la pronunciación y aprende gramática salutation ) said meeting. Sina ken toki tawa e jan tan ma ali pali e toki pona is greeting ( salutation ) when! Pona lili all things toki pona ; Welcome: kama pona: hello ( greeting!... Where are you from Lang for the purpose of simplifying thoughts communication... Press question mark to learn toki pona has been around since 2001, and official. Lots of rocks built my home to the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria people from over! 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