Right now we're just working with one video clip but throughout this course, you will see that we are going to work with multiple of these clips. Just like with the mercury effects that we've seen before, the raindrops onto our lens. This right here is astonishing. I think that looks good, and maybe the exposure, let's set that back to zero, as well. I'm in a high-definition composition, so what I'm going to do is scale this clip down to make it fit. Then let's enable that layer again and jump into our Effects library where I'm going to search for the glitch effect. Let's make that a little bit more faster because the fire is also pretty heavy. Because we were changing the anchor point, which is actually something that you have to do in the beginning, the circle lays now outside of our Canvas, no problem. If you do choose to go for Apple ProRes , you can simply take out the 422 or 422 HQ version. The thing that we've seen in the previous lesson. Then when taking a look at this shot, it doesn't really look realistic,you can see that we've cut out the mountains and just put it on there. But with this range selector, I can say all right but where does that opacity change need to start. In the next lesson, we're going to take a look at motion tracking, which is a different technique that can create some stunning effects. We're actually working a little bit together. Wherever you click within your timeline, you can see here the actual value on that point of the opacity. Because this right here is the very first keyframe, the starting keyframe, we're going to choose "Ease Out". By the end of the … We're not going to track the camera because the camera is standing still on a tripod, but I am going to track the motion. We've just seen everything that you have to know except for one more thing, and that is how to export your video, but we're going to get into that in your last video, or last lesson of this class. If you would like to see before and after of his effects, we can just simply go up to the effects here on top, and on the left sides here, we can see the f-x button. Make sure that little cross here sits over that black dot. I can move it around, but I can also decrease its scale, smash it a little bit like that. We're going to go to our layer right here, and on the right, we have the switches. Discussion within this class, if you just have any questions, just let me know in there, I'd be happy to help you further. For starters, I'm going to select the normal clip, the flame on finger, hit "Control D" to duplicate that, I'm go to solo it for just a moment, Click here on this Solo button so that all of the other layers are disabled for a moment. When playing this back, we can already see a nice animation going on here. Now this composition right here already has a defined lengths and that is a difference as would in any editing program where you can just keep editing as long as you want. We can't really duplicate the adjustment layer, because that is not how it works. Let's play this clip right here and as you can see, it seems like that text is now just part of my scene. The title safe area dates back from the old days when you had CRT television and a problem that those television often had was over scan, where a video with scales over the actual framing that we got within that television, resulting in texts that appearing in completely on the screen. Let's just press "Okay" to have that composition in our project panel. We have to look within these source texts in order to make that timer work. Let me just sold it at out for a moment. Let go, you'll now see here in this drop down menu that null one has been selected and that flame will now follow the exact same movement of that Null Object. When you create that assignment, you can upload it here to Skillshare I'd be happy to give feedback on that. So with that's top clip selected criteria in a timeline, take your pen tool and draw on the inside of the green screen like so and this can be done pretty roughly. You did it. It's very simple assignment where you have to create something inside After Effects with all of things that you've seen within this class. I'm going to click here in My Composition, and let's just create a text, for example, hand text. In the next lesson I'm going to go quickly through how you can manipulate a great text inside that program. Select it and hit import. Maybe around 50 percent or 40 percent would be more than enough. For my Effects library or the Effects & Presets window, we can search for a specific effects or we can also just look for it through all of these folders. Because, this is now grouped together, I can simply duplicate that layer. Let's do that. I can see that here with the clouds clip selected that it is only full HD hence my composition is 4K, so I'm going to have to select this cloud clip now and scale it up. For now, let's make this zero. 1. Let's just make this a bit more bolt. These are the parts that we haven't selected. Let's add one more animation to that white circle because I'm really liking this idea. There we go. Maybe that is your desired output. Now, don't worry, this will not affect your final output. We can also add a little bit of wind to it to make the raindrops go more to the side, or increase the opacity of those rain drops to make him more present. If you hold down your shift key on your keyboards and you got to move the text to the right site, it'll stick here. You can also drag it directly here to decomposition instead of to your timeline, if you'd like so and of course, make sure to be organized. Part 1 - Getting Started 2. If one clip is moving and the other one as well, they won't match. I'm going to press the Control Key on my keyboard, and then the arrow to the left. There we go. Adobe After Effects is one of the more useful places to brush up on After Effects techniques. The exposure can also be a little bit less as you can see, the mountains are a bit too bright, so let's decrease the exposure. The smoke is clear what that is. The text now just fades out. Kind of see it at my face here. Anyways, I'm going to go back to the view here and set it to two final results, and let's have a look when I'm going to enable the empty layer back, how it looks. We're just going to be clear later on in this course what that is, but then it's really going to be important that we are organized within this project window. I'm going to go a little bit back and I'm going to increase the scale of that circle so that it is somehow the same scale as the outer circle. I can use these points right here to track the motion of my finger and that way I can make, for example, a text follow my finger or a flame that my finger is on fire. It is certainly just a normal pond, but let's turn that into a hot top. As you can see here, I am removing the selection of what was on my t-shirts. Now, that circle will start and end smooth. Now let's head over into After Effects and see how we could put a flame to it. Press Okay, and we've got ourselves a timeline. Among the best courses to learn After Effects are: Learn Adobe After Effects CC 2019 for Beginners One of Skillshare’s most complete beginner courses, in which you won’t need any previous … You can also increase the saturation a tiny bit and just look at that, how vivid the entire shot right now is. We can rotate that it would be like so or changes the opacity and make it fade out. The fire, it is now a lot better than we had before. You can take one of these windows and you can drag them to different positions like so. If you go back in time now and play this clip, you will see that we'll go from point A to point B. The are rain drops are actually distortions of the shots. Again, if you can't find it, right-click columns and make sure that mode right here is enabled. But what's happening now? We always have some basic properties in there, such as heat strands form and audio properties. It's first going to bother you with another pop-up box. I'm going to solo it out, I'm going to zoom in here on my hands, and because we have two tracking points now, I am going to have to take the pen tool here, take a piece of flesh somewhere like that, disable the solo, move that over to the tracking point like so, make sure to feather this tiny bit, not too much, and I'm going to name this layer here, Cover-up Track 1, right-click on to it, Time, Freeze Frame. If we click on it, we disable it, which worked the same as just disabling a layer within your timeline, and you can see that it matches a ton better now with my shots. I'm going to select the text here in my timeline and hits CTRL+ D to make a duplication of it. You know what? Maybe dragged in a bit more apar, and now let's have a look. You can see that the campfire now is gone. By the way, guys, these are actually all muzzle flashes that we have created in our studio right here. You can take off the safety glasses now. Down below here for the color, we're going to pick something orangey, which resembles the color of the fire. Clicking onto which will open up some guides, by the way, guys, these guides will not be rendered. For example, you have a car that is driving towards the camera and you want to track the headlights to make them brighter. But if I know that these movements are very subtle then you might want to leave this place small. Then I can just drag over into my After Effects program. You've just went through the entire basics of Adobe After Effects, which is amazing. As for the first key-frame over here, right-click, Keyframe Assistant, Easy Ease Out. Of course, here the duration, which we've seen before. This is an Adobe After Effects class for beginners also. A good rule of thumb is to always use your shift control or Alts key whenever doing something with your mouse, and it's not going the way that you want to. Expressions are small pieces of codes that we're going to insert within After Effects, and those codes will execute a certain commands, such as the balance effects. We can make this layer blends with other layers. Because that is the very first key-frame, and the same thing goes for that red dot here. We have the project window up here. Let's call this lesson number 1 because this is the very first lesson. I can go into any distortion, for example, and increased the color distortion. There we go with a very simple codes, that layer now is more a life. Move that key-frame to the right because this is the ending key-frame. I'm going to disable the solo layers so I can see everything again. With that clip selected, just draw a rectangle to cut out a piece from it, it's the same as cropping your clip. The blocks or the cubes are currently set to big, so I'm going to increase this value to make some smaller cubes and up probably wouldn't have them at the same size, so set them both to around 50. You just click here on this, license this item from Adobe Stock, click on it and it will license it for you. We can move that around, maybe place it somewhere else where we like it to be. We're going to freeze that frame in the beginning of our timelines and make sure that you sit there, Right-click, Time, Freeze Frame, and it's now does video is freezed, which means that nothing will change, and it will just follow my finger. Animations and Keyframes: I'm trying to figure this out now for a couple of days, guys, but I can't find the problem. Right now when I'm going to play this entire thing back, everything should go pretty smooth. Well, right now the text is not any more aligned to the right side of my Canvas because I have it aligned to the left side, which starts here at this point where I dragged my text too. There we go. Yet it's riots, Hollywood's birds at about a thousand of those machines from me. For the entire text, I'm going to move all the characters closer together like this, but for the red dot actually I want to span that over the production size as well. There we go bye-bye logo. Note they are in the back, so they should be a little bit out of focus. Let's just solo this one out to see the before and now the after. Welcome to the timeline of aftereffects. I'm very active on Skillshare. Then I'm going to choose my codec because QuickTime has many different kind of codec flavors, and that I can change from the format options button right here, just click on there. In this case, it's going to be that Null Object. This is what's after effects came up with, and as you can see, it follows beautifully the movement of my camera. By enabling that, we're going to invert the mask. It looks pretty amazing. Conclusion, if you are making a set extension, combining different shots together, make sure that they are first at the same color level, same brightness and all, and then apply an adjustment layer on top of that to color correct everything from a basic start. Now nobody sees that we had a tracking mark on our finger. Learn After Effects … One will function as the normal shot, and the other will function as the raindrops on the lens. But most of the time you can just click the play button right here within the analyze, click on it and let After Effects do its work. Then we could also enable that right here. Let's just try something. He was my previous apprentice. This is not a normal class. For a video, that is not a huge problem, but for text it is because we can't really reach texts when letters are missing. I'm just going to draw a simple circle in my Canvas like so, then I'm going to grab my Anchor tool and change the position of the anchor points to the middle of this circle by holding down the control key on my keyboard. Because I only want the glitch to appear on me and not the entire surrounding, we're first going to have to mask myself out, and this is something that we've seen prior in this class. What I'm going to do here is jump and to the screen shrink slash draw, which allows us to kind of expand that edge around ourselves or decrease that around us. That is something that out we can enable, right here. We can start with a small circle that might go larger over time, so let's decrease the scale of that circle. Here is that animation curve, so it starts smooth, it stops, it starts smooth again, etc. So we actually first come across the middle clip here, Jordy walking. From the After Effects basics up to more advanced topics like spatial interpolation, you'll learn it all. But this is a tinner work and why should we? We're going to dive a bit more into the advanced stuff of texts later in this class but now you know how to create text, place them around in your Canvas, etc. Oh, there we are. Creating Effects: Welcome back apprentice, let's have a look at the effects library in this lesson. I'm playing this right now, you will see that the glitch comes in, right as I'm doing this movement. The effects library drop shadow and it's right there, drag that over to our square, and we're not really seeing something that is because of the black backgrounds. Once it's done, you will see all of these tracking points on the floor. How many frames? I've already covered that you can set your layer into a 3D space. Here we can find a bunch of them, but we also have effect that do a color correction. The first blending mode droop on top right here, are going to make sure that all the lighter parts are gone and that's all the darker parts are going to stay and there different ways to do that. Press "Okay," and then press "Okay," here again. But we can use that same trick as before, or are we going to decrease the capacity of that layer to see what's below but actually this is a solid, there is no structure into it and there is also no reason for us to decrease that capacity. If you move that to the right, we can actually make that go to the right. This is our end position, our ending key-frame. Click on that one. If you would close your timeline, you can always recall that again by going all the way down here and click on "Timeline," there we go, it's back there. Damn, I was so dove back then. These are going to be your media files. For example, let's add a gradient to it because it is something that we can't really do from the fill option at the top, we could only choose one specific color. The animation looks okay, but it doesn't look so professional. It's now you would like to trim that clip over to your play heads. Working with Text: I know that you're already starting to feel like a professor like me, but you're still an apprentice. If I'm going to type in here one, that means every second that value is going to change. red dot, look at that. I'm going to color correct my entire shot with one effect. But, in order to really learn After Effects, you will need to spend time studying on your own. Anyways, you can just use any of these. You can also go ahead and take the rotation tool from our toolbox up here and rotate that text here on one of these axes, just stand them then and rotate on that axis, as you can see. If I'm going to enable that by just clicking here in this box for that layer, I have enabled the motion blur for that layer specific. So let's start off with the green-screen shot right here. Let me Just turn that on, look at that and I'm not even getting wet. Create cinematic movie titles, intros, and transitions. Inside aftereffects, we always name these layers and that's so much clips as we would do in a video editing program. Let's add lumetri effect to that adjustment layer here. I'm going to set an endpoint as well, go forward in time and set an out point here somewhere to make a selection at that empty space. Blending Layers: I'm working on this 3D camera tracker guys, but it's not working yet. There are various ways to do that. Then for the second keyframes, right-click, "Keyframe Assistant", "Easy Ease In", because the animation comes from the left to the right into the keyframes. I'm going to decrease the scale but hold down the Shift Key. Now, because you are changing your feather, it might be that you want to select your later again and change your mask if you'd like so, just to make sure that you're covering up everything the way you want it to. It doesn't look good if your text going to sticks to the edge of your video, always make sure that there is some reading space around it. Currently looking at these, these are squared keyframes, and that tells me that these are linear keyframes, but we want to change them to being a busier keyframe. You can do this pretty roughly, there we go, again, go out of that frame like so, and now we have this mountain, select it. We've been working with texts right here, but we haven't really seen how texts work inside after effects, and it's pretty straight forward. Now see you all in the next lesson. I would only suggest you pull on these axes if you're just going to grab the text and just move it around wherever you would like. Because let's admit it, the world's isn't so beautiful without the make the world more beautiful o matic 3000. If I'm now going to draw a shape into my composition right here, hold down the Shift key to create a circle. Click on it's, there we have it. Well, this is actually a technique called set extension, which is probably used in every Hollywood film that you watch in the cinema? Let's start off with that Rectangle tool; If you click on it, it's active and we can now draw a rectangle make sure that your clip is selected, otherwise it won't work. I'm just going to double-click on this clip first, just to have a look at it before we're going to work with this. It's now I'm going to draw again that same shape like so. Of course, usually it is going to be that. I can increase the geometric distortion as well. Just let this thing do its work. Now, animations always need to have a certain amount of time. Apprentice. There are also other effects, for example that do keying which are needed to pull off a dream key which we will also take a look at in this class. Though I do end up with one little problem here, and that is that my entire shot starts to look like pretty dull now. Apart from the character panel, there are a few more panels here and after effects that work together with your text. For example, we would like to have a rectangle, then just take the rectangle tool, with that solid selected, just draw a rectangle, and we've got ourselves a rectangle graphic. The real way to for After Effects CC, where you will dig into dig deeper. Of course we also want to go into the mask properties like so hence increase the better of that mask. The first thing I'm going to do is just drag that composition out of it and maybe in the future I'm going to create a new folder called compositions, if I'm going to create multiple of these. Again, this is something that we're going to see later in this lesson. It's working, the 3D camera tracker device is working, all right. I also think that these are going to be pretty obvious as well. Now lets reset this CTRL+ Z to undo my actions and it sends back on the floor right here. I'm going to expand that property and from there we can also see an option right here called invert it. But first let's have a look at this second composition that we've just created. It's always here on the right side inside Adobe After Effects. If you want to keep the proportions while scaling it like this then hold down your shift key and it will do so. So we also would like to remove that now. Place that anywhere else that I want to. Let's start by adding a few more organic things to it. Animate a logo or character. That's the best thing I can come up with now. Don't mind this too much. Go into a mask properties by expanding your layer, expanding the mask, the mask one, and increasing the feather. You can now see that we have all of these layers grouped into one composition. This time to create a reflection, we don't need to work with stock clips. The reason that we have two buttons for this, is because in the future you will work with 10, 20, maybe even 30 layers inside your timeline, and if your performance is bad while working in After Effects, you're going to have to disable the motion blur for each individual layer, which is not so user-friendly. Right here we can find a few different options on top and the way that we want to track the motion of my finger. And because the mask will follow my hand around 'll show you something very interesting without using,. Becomes bigger, smaller again, window and search for Lumetri of course, 're... Where our timeline comes in, it has a different layer up like so for final.! It has nothing, no properties whatsoever inside it struck me, into it scale.! A download button from which you want and here 25 frames or 30 frames second. 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